Hilary swallowed thickly as he read aloud the letter to himself, unconsciously nibbling his fleshy inner cheek. For the second time this month, the fifteen year old felt his heart skipping erratic beats.
"Dear Mr Raine, as you already know; you're a valued prodigy in manipulation. However, you have begun to lose yourself, and due to the recent events that took place; we have reconsidered your place at Durmstrang. You are permanently expelled from this school..."
He gripped the frail letter tightly, his amaranth lips dipping into a slight frown.
"Shit. I saw this coming, but those airheads are acting as if I'm going to detonate."
He drew in a deep breath, and expelled a shaky one, squeezing his eyes shut to anchor himself and prevent any reckless actions.
Maybe this is best. He reflected, reopening his eyes, and gazing at the crackling fireplace that spat at the crimson armchair he was leaning against.
Maybe I can start over.
But I haven't even finished with my work. A nagging voice in his mind complained.
It almost seemed unacceptable to kick him out. Hilary was a seemingly well-behaved student, a potent prodigy that was brimming to the top with potential; he most certainly wasn't shy either and was rather cunning for his age.
However, his ability to manipulate seemed to be like heavy chains, weighing him down and acting more like a curse than a blessing.
Durmstrang had expelled Hilary just as he was learning to fully harness and control his unique ability again.
He improved much through hours of training and practice that left him exhausted, yet he still managed to commit a grave mistake that affected both his academic and private life.
When he thought things couldn't possibly get worse, they did; Hilary realised he was practically following the footsteps of his god damned father he despised so much.
Hilary continued reading almost hesitantly.
"We have contacted an affiliate of ours, and they have decided to take you in as a student. During your time at Hogwarts, you are to train yourself and learn to manage your power.