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youre all sitting around the dinner table, shoving down your food. everyone is a little impatient to get down to the pool, because it's only getting hotter. it's pretty late, you came down to the restaurant a bit later than you expected to. it works out though, now when you go out it'll already be dark.

"do you wanna go to busch gardens or kings dominion tomorrow?" weston changes the topic of your conversation with a mouthful of salad.

"kings dominion maybe," you swallow your last bite, "i went there when i was younger."

he nods, taking down his last sip of coke. james and kalynn have been talking to eachother the whole dinner, originally everyone was talking but you and weston lost interest in it after awhile. they've been rambling on and on about fake scenarios for like an hour.

it only lead to pointless conversation with weston, but anything was better then creating sob stories in your minds with the other two.

you turn your focus over to the big window in front of you, also serving it's purpose as the wall. the hot sun glares through it, hitting you directly in the face. it's setting, so the position it's at puts it level with your eyes.

your waitress comes over to the table, clearing some plates and giving you the bill. you take care of it before anyone else can, you don't feel like arguing. every time you eat with friends, there's always a debate about who's paying. you get the intent from it, but it honestly just makes you feel like your parents.

"thank you," kalynn smiles at you, being the only one who even noticed that the bill arrived. you look up at her and give her a small grin, slipping your credit card into the slot where it needed to be. you throw in 20 bucks for a tip too, you have no idea what the exact tip should be, you don't feel like doing the math. 20 dollars might actually be way too much.

the waitress grabs your credit card, scanning it through and handing it back to you. you all get up rather quickly and head out for the back doors.

with the sun soaking into everyone's skin the whole dinner, the pool is more inviting than ever.

weston pushes open the door first, tossing his shirt onto the floor as he runs towards the lit up pool. he jumps in, dunking his head completely underwater. he lifts himself above the surface of the water,  shaking his head like a dog to get the water out of his hair.

james jumps in too, doing the same as weston. theyre like little kids, swimming completely submerged in the pool water.

"you girls coming in?" weston raises his voice towards you and kalynn, considering you're both still not in the water.

"maybe," you smile towards him, pulling your shirt above your head and into the pile that weston accidentally started. he raises his eyebrows with a wide smile, dunking his head back underwater and swimming over to james.

"i'm gonna go in the water in a few minutes, i don't wanna go in right this second," kalynn breathes out, flopping against the pool chair tiredly. you sit next to her, pulling your shorts off.

"i'm not going completely in yet, i'll go in later for sure," you lay down, pulling out your phone to scroll through random socials.

you can hear weston and james messing around the whole time, you're glad no one else is here or else you might've gotten yelled at by other people. they're really loud.

kalynn sits up, walking over to the steps that lead into the pool. you still stay back for a bit, you wanna keep your hair out of the chlorine for as long as possible.

she walks in slowly, diving down to the bottom once she goes in far enough. she comes up to the surface slowly, her hair slicked back out of her face. jesus.

"you're staring," she says without looking at you, laughing.

"sorry," you smile back at her, pulling out your phone again and scrolling through the people you have added on snap. sometimes it's fun to pick the best looking bitmoji and see if they're actually as attractive as they think they are.

1 hour later

you haven't been in the water once, and you don't know if you will at all tonight. it's pitch black out, everyone else is out of the pool. it took them some time though, weston practically forced himself out, hes still dripping wet.

"i think i'm gonna head back up to the room to shower and stuff. anyone coming?" james says while ruffling his wet hair through a towel.

"i will, i cant let this chlorine sit in my hair for too long," kalynn grabs her stuff and walks over next to james. they both look at weston, who gives a simple 'no' while leaning back in his chair.

you decide to stay out with him, you didn't want him to be out here alone in the dark. your brother and kalynn walk up to the room, leaving just you and weston out by the pool.

"wouldnt have pictured you as someone who doesn't like to go in the water," he turns towards you, making you out your phone down to talk to him.

"you pictured me as someone who's afraid of rollercoasters, what's the difference?" you grin at him, "besides, i do like the water. i'm just tired, long flight and all."

"yeah? so you'll go in if i asked you to right now?" he challenges you, a look in his eye hinting that he knows your answer.

"i guess so," you lie to him and yourself. the last thing you wanna do right now is go and jump in a pit of chlorine.

"ok," he readjusts himself, sitting up straight to speak to you, "can you go in the pool with me?"

"but," you knew he'd ask that, "i'm tired."

he shakes his head, smiling. before you know it, hes walking over to you, snaking his arm underneath your back. he throws your over his shoulder, your legs up in the air behind him.


he laughs quietly, picking up his pace to get to the pool closer. "y/n, will you go into the pool with me?" he asks one more time, giving you a second chance.


he runs over to the water, your voice yelping into his chest. your bodies clash against the water, at least he threw you into the deep end.

you lift your head above the water, catching your breath with a smile at the sudden change in dynamic. weston lifts his head up now too, repeating what he did before and shaking his head so the water from his hair would spritz everywhere.

you squint your eyes shut, not wanting him to accidentally get chlorine in your eyes. you dip your head underwater again, tugging the hair band out of your hair so it was completely loose.

you come up to the surface again, coming face to face with weston. his breathing is heavy, almost in sync with yours. your smiles fade, while his eyes move back and forth between your own.

you can feel his breath against your lips, the subtle mint scent coming from his gum. water drips down both of your faces, his hair going rogue in its soaked state.

"we should probably meet up with them," you say quietly, regretting it after you say it.

he nods, "yeah, for sure," he pulls himself out of the pool, waiting for you to come out too. there's an undeniable tension between you two the whole way up to your rooms, put there out of your control.

nothing happened while you were down there, but there's a small part of you saying something could have. his face next to your face, eyes looking directly into yours. there's the possibility that he didn't notice anything at all, but you've got more faith in him than that.

you say goodnight to eachother, shutting your doors with small smiles. you immediately walk into the bathroom to shower, hopefully being able to get the intensity of the simple moment out of your mind.

sometimes i think i'm rushing things but then i remember that it's chapter 17 and nothing has happened LMFAO

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