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//kinda explicit ig yw

"c'mon," you're dragging weston onto the porch by his wrist. you've been thinking all day about the way to go about you two, and you still haven't really thought of the right thing. but, you feel bad not saying anything to him.

"what's wrong?" he shuts the door behind him with a concerned look.

"nothings wrong. listen," you lean onto the gate of the porch, "i feel like we need to set a boundary. like, a way to make sure we actually take things slow. so," you hesitate for the next bit, "how about we can't touch eachother romantically for a week?"

"what?" his eyes widen, probably not expecting that. if you're being honest you really don't know if it's gonna last anyway.

"for a week. no cuddling up next to eachother, no kissing, no sex, none of it. for a week," you rephrase, your voice sounding slightly unsure about the idea.

"what would this be benefiting again?"

"making sure we take our time?" the statement comes out as more of a question. you're unsure yourself.

he looks up to the sky, pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes squint shut. he stays there for a second, eventually looking back down at you with a deep breath.

"fine, a week, i can do that," he nods at the plan, shocking you honestly. who would've thought a man could change so much to you within 24 hours.

you smile at him, which cracks a small grin from him in return. you walk past him and open the sliding door back into your room. you hear him following close behind, apparently not planning on staying in his room.

kalynn and james are down at the arcade. they just found out there's one in the hotel youre all at, and can't wrap their heads around it. you and weston aren't really interested tonight.

you stop walking to turn around. as expected, you come face to face with weston, who's just waiting to see what you'll do next.

"are you gonna stop following me like a little dog and let me change into a bathing suit?" you smile at him, wanting to roll your eyes at the smirk he has on as he looks down on you.

"is that an invitation for me to have a little midnight swim with you?" he says sarcastically, pulling out a dramatic gasp. 

"take it how you will, koury!" your voice is stuffed up as you respond, because you're digging through your suitcase on the ground for the right bathing suit.

you hear the door close, signaling he's back in his room. hopefully changing into a swimsuit of his own so you can have some company down there.

for just having a conversation about slowing things way down, you're a little too stressed about what the right bathing suit is to wear. you decide to pick a black one, they always do the job. the straps of the bottoms sit high above your waist, showing your hip dips. you love the way your hip dips look in a bathing suit. it makes you feel more human. it's almost comforting, really.

the top is a regular triangle top, nothing too above and beyond. you throw on a light necklace, that way your chest wasn't completely bare. your hair stays against your shoulders, flowing freely. you'd rather it be down than up.

the clock on the desk reads 12:26 am, yet neither of you were really tired. you're just glad the pool is open all day. you throw on a pair of loose shorts, not wanting to basically display your ass the whole time your walking down to the water. not like anyone else in the hotel is up at this hour.

"you ready?" you knock on weston's door, chewing on the mint gum in your mouth. the door opens wide, revealing a bare chested weston on the other side of the door. he looked good.

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