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*SHORT FILLER* bc i finished this actual chap rlly early but wattpad didn't save half of it :/

you're all back on the plane. it seems so short looking back on the trip, you wish you could've stayed for longer. then again, weston and kalynn needed to be with their cats. they could only be taken care of by their friends for so long.

you're in the same seats as before, so you're next to weston and kalynn is next to james. you don't mind, you're probably just going to sleep again. you're not even going to bother turning on a movie.

weston looks like he's gonna pass out from exhaustion, so he obviously won't have too much of a problem following your plan.

you walk down the isle of the plane until you make it back to your seats. kalynn and james were behind you now instead of right next to you. it really won't change much, you weren't planning on interacting with them anyway. all you need is sleep right now.

you squeeze into the window seat, thankful that weston isn't arguing with you about who gets it. he sits in the seat closest to the isle. you both shove your carry-ons underneath your seats, and make sure everything's zipped.

"i'm not gonna put on a movie this time, i think i'm just gonna sleep," you tell weston quietly, making sure not to speak too loud since he looks very tired.

he doesn't respond. he just nods and rubs his eyes with the backs of his hands. in almost no time, you feel the familiar weight on your shoulder again. his head is already resting there, ready to go to sleep. the plane hasn't even taken off yet.

you try and get comfortable in your seat without bothering the head on your shoulder too much.

everything starts to become reality once you hear the turbulence of the plane. you're already leaving, and in a much different state of mind than when you got here. everything changed so much within fourteen days.

you're not entirely sure where you stand with weston. part of you knows that you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to be exclusive. but the other part of you has no interest in a labeled relationship right now.

you're both basically exclusive anyway. it's like an unwritten rule. you would never hook up with
someone else right now, and you know weston wouldn't either. it might be a better option to just keep it as something that you both know without having to actually say it.

hes been so different to you lately, you're still not entirely used to it.

his hand reaches for yours on your lap, hooking his pinky onto yours. the subtle gesture makes you fight back a wide smile. it's almost as if he read your thoughts.

you shift your interlocked pinky-fingers closer to your lap, making sure it's out of view from the crack of the seat. both of your siblings are behind you, and maybe the hands being together would be a bit of a giveaway.

then again, a giveaway to what? you don't know what you'd even be able to tell them if they ever found out about the complicated relationship between you two. a topic for another day. not when you're half asleep, barely able to think straight.

you rest your head against weston's, and hope you're able to fall asleep quickly. the quicker this plane ride goes by, the better.

you hear him take another deep breath once you lay your head on top of his. his head nudges closer to your neck at the move, along with his pinky-finger gently squeezing against yours.

you grin, letting yourself fall asleep.

| few hours later

"how do you think beck and jade are?" you ask weston while walking down the airport. your flight just landed, so you're finally back in la. your gate is pretty close to the exits, so you're just going straight home. you've already gone through the hell that is baggage claim.

"i hope they're ok," he yawns, "they probably will be. we've been away from them for a while before. i miss 'em though."

"i remember when they were kittens, the cutest thing," you recall the memory from a few years ago, when they first got them. you've never gotten a more excited call from kalynn.

"you wanna come over? to say hi to them. if you're not too tired," you smile at his offer, hearing the hesitance in his voice.

"tomorrow. i need to get sleep right now, in my own bed. but i definitely wanna come over soon. to say hi to the cats, of course," you nudge his shoulder as you open up the doors of the exit.

he laughs at you mocking him, following close behind with the subtle sounds of his suitcase clacking along the way.

shortest / most irrelevant chap so far, i just needed them back home for future interesting chapters ;))

votes appreciated :)

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