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help me i'm SO TIRED of writing filler chapters theyre so shit sorry hopefully this is the last one

better/much longer  stuff in a bit

you've had the best sleep of your life after not being in your own bed for so long. you've been asleep for a good 14 hours now, but it's time to call it quits. it's 1pm.

your eyes stay squinted shut, as if they're refusing to let you open them. you pry them open, and immediately become blinded by the heavy sun light beaming through your window. your hand reaches for your phone lazily as you adjust to the light surrounding you.

you have a shocking amount of notifications, you're used to waking up with like, two.

| imessage-weston koury
are you awake
good morning ^_^
how did u sleep
u can come over if u want

| snapchat
kalynn:)   aaron:p    luca:o    emily jane :D

| tiktok
westonkoury mentioned you in a comment
kalynnkoury mentioned you in a comment
kalynnkoury mentioned you in a comment

| imessage-james
i'm going out for the day i'll see u later tonight text me what u want for din

emily.jane sent you a post
emily.jane- we should do this

you read over each notification, a little unsure which to answer first. you usually wake up with just a text from kalynn, so this was a lot. maybe you'll start sleeping until 1pm more often.

you text weston back first, because you don't want him to think you're ignoring his offer.

hi i just woke up
can i still come over :D

you answer your snaps next, just the usual things from your friends. you haven't kept streaks since middle school, so you don't get more than 4 snapchat notifications a day now. you don't respond to james, you usually don't respond to his morning texts. he only sends them so you know where he is. you don't look at the tiktoks weston and kalynn tagged you in either, opening that app would give you a headache right now.

you always respond to emily jane. you feel guilty if you don't. she sent you a picture of two girls doing body shots off of eachother, making you laugh. you're pretty positive she sent it as a joke.

the blanket on top of you got thrown off through your sleep, so you're already one step closer to being ready. it's a hot day today. whatever you wear needs to be revealing enough so you don't over heat.

you hop up from your bed and make your way to your closest. after spending two weeks rummaging through a suitcase to get ready every day, it feels nice being back in your closet.

you pull out a white tank top that you made two years ago. it's roughly cut into a cropped top, but you kinda like it like that. you pair it with a simple pair of high waisted shorts, not wanting to go too over board.

you keep your hair down and grab your sunglasses as a head band. that's one of your favorite things to do; using sunglasses as a head band. when they rest on your head it looks cool, but it also keeps the hair out of your face.

you grab your phone and open your door, making your way towards the front so you can slip on your shoes.

weston texted you back, the sight of his name making you smile a bit.

weston koury
YES! come over rn bc kalynn isnt here

you let him know you're on your way before shoving your phone back in your pocket. you grab your pair of white converse, shoving your feet through them in a hurry. you already called your uber, so she'd be here rather quickly. if only converse weren't the hardest shoes to put on.

you throw a piece of mint gum in your mouth and grab your phone sloppily. the notification that your uber is here appears, making you rush even faster.

you run out the door, slamming it behind you as you try your hardest to run down the stairs. you hate making ubers wait. especially this one, it almost feels like your punishing her by being late.

you push the front doors of your apartment complex open and speed walk towards the passenger seat of her car. as usual, she's smiling as you sit down.

you let her know the name of the apartment complex where you need to be at, even though she already knows by now. with all the visits you have to kalynn.

within a short five minutes your at the complex, hopping out of the car. you pay your driver with a smile before heading up towards the front doors.

you really need to get a license. you lose so much money by having to pay someone to drive you every where. it's also just embarassing to be 19 and unable to drive a car because your parents told you no.

you go into the elevator, hitting the button to the right floor. it doesn't take long to reach the floor, because they're only on a relatively low one.

you step off the elevator and make your way towards their apartment. you debate if you should knock or just walk in. you usually just walk in, but that's whenever you're here for kalynn. maybe weston will think it's weird? but maybe he'll think it's weirder if you do knock, since he's seen you walk in so many times.

you decide to knock, it'll be easier to tell him it was an instinct to knock over just walking in. you knock three times as your left leg taps mindlessly on the floor.

"you can come in," you hear weston shout through the door, slight laughter lacing through his voice. shit, you should've just walked in.

you open the door, noticing weston to your left. hes eating a salad over the counter, a faint smile on his lips.

"hey, how'd you sleep," you start conversation while tossing off your shoes. you line them up next to weston and kalynn's, not wanting to mess up the organization they have going on. you never do.

"pretty good! woke up about two hours ago. you?" the quiet crunches of romain lettuce make you hungry as he speaks.

"so good," you take a seat by the counter top to face him, "felt so good to be in my own bed, you know. wheres kalynn by the way?"

"she had to stop by luca's place. she left her airpods there before we left for the trip. that's why she had to use those shitty ear buds the whole flight," he explains to you as he finishes off his salad.

"ah, makes sense. it's gonna rain tonight by the way. i wanted to go out, so i'm kinda pissed about that," you change the topic, honestly just trying to see what his plans are tonight.

"really? god damn it i was gonna go out too," he puts his bowl in he sink and fills it up with water. you both continue small conversation for a few minutes before deciding to watch tv for a bit.

none of it was awkward, everything flowed just as it did in virginia. you don't know why it wouldn't, you were getting yourself too worked up over it. you just wish it was a bit more of a public thing.


votes appreciated :) ty for sm support on this book

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