Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Luna's POV:
I was sitting in Biology class at Alhambra High school. Biology is my first period so I have a long day ahead of me. The teacher was talking blood vessels or something, I wasn't really paying attention cause I was doodling in my notebook. Don't get me wrong I love Biology it's my best subject but sometimes it gets a bit boring.
The bell rang so I got up to pack up. "Remember class we have a Biology test tomorrow so don't forget to study!" The whole class groaned but me. I actually enjoy test especially ones in Biology, I was always made fun of because of this. But I wasn't your typical nerd I didn't have glasses, I didn't have braces, and I have a cute fashion sense.
I started to walk out when someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around to see a tall figure towering over me. He had brown eyes, brown hair, and he was pretty muscular. "Hi I'm Shawn. I moved here from Canada last week so I'm new and I was wondering if you could show me around." He smiled and extended his hand out for me to shake. "Hi Shawn, I'm Luna and I would be more than happy to show you around. May I see your schedule?" I shook his hand and smile. He nodded and handed me his schedule, "Well you're in luck! We have every class together except for math." I looked up and smiled. I mean I couldn't help but smile he was so adorable and smiled all the time. "Come on, wouldn't wanna be late for history would we?" I turned around and walked out of the classroom as Shawn followed. "So are you popular here?" He asked now standing right next to me, i objected "oh no no no! I'm the school nerd." He furrowed his eyebrows "You a nerd? How? You're to pretty to be a nerd." I blushed and turned my head.
******Skip to the end of school******
I started walking home as I do everyday when Shawn ran and started walking with me. "Hey! I was wondering if I could come over so we could study for the test tomorrow?" He asked biting his lip. God why did he do that, my heart is melting "uhh yeah let me text my mom real quick." He nodded and smiled. "So where do you live?" He asked in wonderment "a couple blocks down in that subdivision." I pointed straight ahead of us. "No way that's were I just moved!" "Really?" I asked in excitement "yeah!" He said smiling just as big as I was
We walked up to my door, "no freaking way!" Shawn said "what?" I furrowed my eyebrows "I live right across the street." I laughed "well looks like we'll be seeing each other everyday." I stated "Good! Well I'm going to go tell my mom where I'm going to be and change into more comfortable clothes." He said walking off of my front porch "alright just walk in when you're done and my room is just upstairs." I yelled because he was already across the street. He nodded, waved, and walked into his house.
Authors note:
So here it is! Let me know what you guys think and I take suggestions and correction don't worry I won't get offended. I know this chapter is short but it's only the first chapter so I promise they will get longer as I get deeper into the story. Luna is the girl at the top. She's gorgeous and I'm jealous!😍 ik I said I update this on Fridays but I got the book cover so I just can't wait till Friday so here! ENJOY!


Love ya!

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