Chapter 5:One Phone Call

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Luna's POV:
I was laying in bed thinking about the cover me and Aviana made last night. "Shawn?" He was laying on the floor looking at his phone. "Yes my dear." "What would you think if I made a youtube channel?" I asked, he instantly shot up from his little bed he made on the flood, "I THINK THATS A FANTASTIC IDEA! YOU SHOULD DO IT!" I laugh "okay okay, calm down killer. Come on let's go make breakfast." I get up and put Shawns sweatshirt on and walk into the living room, no one was up yet so I walk into the kitchen and look for ingredients to cook pancakes and they had nothing. "Shawn. We need to go to the store real quick." He nodded, I grabbed my vans and he grabbed his keys and then we left.
We got back and Aviana was sitting on the couch on her phone. "Ave, will you help me with breakfast?" I asked "yeppp." She answered, "Babe, will you wake up the guys while we make breakfast?" I kissed Shawns check, "Sure babe." I walked off into the kitchen

After breakfast we were all still chilling at the table. "Can we keep her? Her and Ave can make us breakfast every morning!" Jack J. Begged Shawn, "no she's mine you can't have her." Shawn crossed his arms and turned away from Jack. We all just laughed, "So Luna, what do you wanna do today?" Aviana asked, "Well all I ever want to do is surf." "I can say that's true." Shawn raised his hand. "Okay beach is it then! "I don't have a bathing suit." I state "don't worry about it, you can borrow one of mine." Aviana kindly offers. We both head upstairs to get dressed, "here." She threw me a blue and white tribal pattern bikini and she put on a pink and grey polka-dotted bikini.
As soon as I laid a foot in the sand I took of board in hand towards the water. I paddled out as far as I could to catch the good waves, soon after I was out Aviana joined me. "See anything good?" She asks "not yet. Today may be a non surf kinda day." I said keeping my eye on the horizon. "Can I get some advice?" Aviana asks, "Of course." "What do you think of Taylor?" "Well he seems like kind of a perv but I only just met him so I can't judge." I answer honestly "okay.... What do you think of Nash?" She asks another question "again I haven't known him long enough, but I read people pretty well. I think he's a good kid but there's still something off about him. I think Cameron's a good guy though." I look at her out of the corner of my eye. She laughs and nudges my shoulder and I lose balance. "Hey!" I yell "I'm going back up to the guys there's not going to be any good waves anytime soon." I got back on my board and paddled towards the shore.
Shawn suggested Taco Bell for lunch as usual. We all sat at a booth after ordering food. "Oh! Luna I forgot to tell you Bart, the founder of magcon called. I guess he saw yours and aves video and asked if you guy wanted to join us for the magcon reunion tour." Shawn explained, "Ave, how many views did that video get?" I asked "uh hold on let me check. Oh here it is, we got.... 22k views." "What?" Was all I could say. "Luna." Shawn said but I was daydreaming 'should I do it?' "Luna." Shawn said once more, "I'll do it. I'll go. Give me the number so I can call him." Shawn punched the number into my phone and pressed call

***Phone call***
Luna:Hello? Mr.Bart? This is Luna
Bart:Please call me Bart.
Luna:Bart, I called to accept your offer. I'd love to go on the Magcon tour.
Bart:Great! What about Aviana?
Luna:Yes she'd like to go to.
Bart:Fantastic! I will email you all the information.
Luna:Thank you Bart.
Bart:No thank you. I will talk to you later have a good day Miss Luna.
Luna:I shall. Bye Bart.
***end of phone call***
"So you're coming with us." Shawn smiles, I smile and nod.
Authors Note:
Haha! It's a day early. Im back on track!


Love ya!

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