[Virgil POV]

I wake up and realize it's my first day of school ever. I'm scared because I was homeschooled up until now. Knowing me I'll become the outcast on the first day, I just don't fit into society's norms. I don't really want to fit in but it's what people like to see. If everyone's unique in their own way no one will have anyone to pick on and people love to be mean to others. Yeah, I'm upset that people are such assholes but you can't change people who don't want to change. (Lol, that's what my therapist told me when I had one;-; I miss her) Anyways, time to get ready. I put on the same everyday outfit, a purple and black hoodie, black sweatpants, etc. I go put on my eyeshadow to finish off. I'm feeling a bit nervous right now.

I sprint out the door when I realize that I might be late. I don't live with my parents because I got emancipated and live by myself now. It's going to be difficult when I have to go to school and work every single day. I mean I just got emancipated over the summer. I just thought that it'd be better for me to get out of there. The place where I constantly was threatened to get kicked out until I left by myself. It's lonely being the only person here, hopefully, school is better. I know I'm wishing for a lot but I honestly just need it.

At my old home, I was also abused. Both mentally and physically, I had no other choice to leave. It started when I told them I felt like a boy, yeah, yeah I was assigned female at birth. 

I walk into the school, I can feel myself shaking a bit. 'It's okay Virgil, you can make it through this day, just breathe' I walk into my first class which says -Art, Room 104- I smile a bit, I love art class and I hope we can draw in it instead of just learning the history of it. I walk in and see three people sitting all together at a table. I sigh, their friendship looks amazing, they're laughing, making jokes, everything I want. 

'You'll never get that, you weirdo' I sigh the voice is right. I walk over to a table where no one's sitting before I sit down, I hear a voice.

"HEY, EMO! COME SIT WITH US, IN THE PURPLE AND BLACK HOODIE,"  the person shouts, I look back in shock. I walk over and look at who it was. It was a boy in a red and white shirt, one of the ones who I was jealous of. 

"Um... H-hi," I stutter, 'goddammit why did I stutter' The taller boy giggles at me. 

"What's your name, emo," he demands. I blush a bit.

"My name's Virgil, but you can call me Virge, what about you guys," I question more confidently now.  I'm really curious.

"I'm Roman, the one in the blue shirt and grey sweater tied around him is Patton, and that's Logan in the tie," Roman exclaims with joy. He sure is cheery for living in this world. I give them a smirk. 

"So, why did you ask me to sit with you?" Are these going to be my new friends??? No, it can't be that easy to make friends. I finally actually sit down. Roman watches me and opens his mouth just to get interrupted.

"We wanted you to sit with us because you seemed like the coolest, mysterious person here, and we're looking for a fourth person in our group!" Patton bursts in excitement. 'Someone's that excited to meet me?' I feel flattered.

"Yeah, that's true, so tell us a bit about yourself, Virgil," Roman says curiously. Welp, I'm nervous to tell people about myself. I start biting my nails, yes that's what I do when I'm nervous.

"Well, I live alone, due to reasons I will not say, yet, I was homeschooled until now, I'm 5"3, I like gaming, drawing and-," I get cut off. 

"Boys, we're doing attendance, please stop talking, you can resume once I finish and tell you what you're doing today," the teacher politely asks. I nod and wait for my name to get called, I got it changed over the summer, so it didn't say my old one. I hear the other three boys names' called. Mine is the last one called.

"Yepp, I'm here," I respond in the most intimidating tone ever for some reason. The teacher smiles and explains what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to draw ourselves as cats, interesting. (THE ONES I DREW SUCK AHHH, or the one's they drew suck) I finished mine in the first twenty minutes. Patton for some reason drew a house instead, Roman didn't draw anything at all and just talked the whole time.

"Virgil, show us yours, you too Logan," Patton smiles wide. This guy is so wholesome, god he's adorable! Logan and I turn our sheets at the same time.

 This guy is so wholesome, god he's adorable! Logan and I turn our sheets at the same time

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(They weren't even supposed to be part of this, but, they fit in so

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(They weren't even supposed to be part of this, but, they fit in so.)

"AWW, THEY'RE SO CUTE, HOW DID YOU GUYS MAKE SUCH CUTE KITTENS," Patton gets even happier. He's really nice, I feel my face go a dark red. I look over at Logan and he just has a smug look on his face. 

"Thanks," we both say at the same time. He shows us his paper and we see the house he was drawing then realize that there are four cats on the porch. (I'm not drawing this one) Logan, Roman and I all smile. 

"They represent us four, even though I just met Virgil, I can tell we're already going to be friends," He replies with the most bubbly voice ever. 

'He's lying, no one could ever like you, how could they, not even your own parents did' I almost let out a whimper. I do that sometimes when I have thoughts like that. I can't control it. It's a sign I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

"That's so sweet! I'm going to the bathroom, be back when I'm done," I quickly whisper. At the start of class, we were told we could write our name on the whiteboard if we were going to the bathroom.  So, I write my name and run out of the class. I feel my breathing get heavy and I run faster until I reach the bathroom. 'Shit, shit, shit' I lock myself in a stall.

'Sad, that you left your blade at home, you could use it now' I just start sobbing and start scratching my skin with my hardly existent fingernails...

So,  'This' is the voice in Virgil's head 'This' is just his thoughts, "This" is anyone talking, and what is currently bold by itself is the author's notes, if it's in italics This it's a flashback this was 1212 words, yay! Updates will depend on my mood! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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