im sorry

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To tatums surprise she woke up the next morning to the amazing information about her school being shut for the day, some of the tiles on the roof had caved in and burst the water pipes so they had the day off. She wandered downstairs to also find out her mother and Peter had the day off work too, but she wasn't too keen on being around them all day so once she grabbed her breakfast she ran back upstairs to sit on her bed and do absolutely nothing.  She was watching the new episodes of greys anatomy when her phone rang slightly, she jumped up and checked the time as well at the caller ID.  It was now 11:30pm and the caller was her dad, she smiled and answered it straight away.
Tatum: "hi dad"
Jay: "hi honey, what you doing? Heard your school was called off"
Tatum: "yeah it was, I'm just watching TV"
Jay: "sounds boring, I have a few hours on call if you wanna come play crazy golf with me and hails while it's open"
Tatum: "oh my god, yeah of course I'll come!"
Jay: "thought you'd say that, go ask your mom if she needs me to pick you up"
Tatum: "okie dokie, I'll be back in a sec"
Jay: "sure thing"

She left her phone on her bed, still in call, and ran downstairs to find her mom stood in the kitchen, "mom can I play crazy gold with dad?" She poked her head around the door. Cassie sighed, "when?" She raised an eyebrow. Tatum nodded, "today's, soon..." she smiled weakly. Cassie huffed, "you've got all weekend to see him Tate" she shook her head. Tatum fire her brows, "what? Mom c'mon it's only one day, I'm sure you won't miss me for a few hours" she put her hand on her hip. Cassie sighed, "alright fine" she nodded. Tatum smiled, "dad said he can pick me up" she nodded. Cassie shook her head, "no, no I'll take you. Is it the one in the mall?" She kept her eyes on the stove. Tatum smiled, "yeah" she nodded. Cassie nodded back, "yeah, I'll take you it's fine" she huffed. Tatum smiled, "thank you!" She squealed and ran back upstairs.

She jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone again.
Tatum: "mom said I can come but she said she'll drop me off at the mall"
Jay: "no problem kiddo, I'll see you in half an hour then yeah?"
Tatum: "mmhm, bye love you"
Jay: "love you too"

She smiled and put the phone down, "I have to be at the mall in half an hour!" She shouted downstairs. There was a small break before Cassie replied, "alright!" She shouted back, almost sounding annoyed. She scurried off the bed and pulled out some jeans and a hoodie then threw them on before doing her skincare routine and shoving her trainers on.


                  About half an hour had passed since the phone call ended and jay and hailey were stood in the mall entrance waiting for any sign of his daughter to show up, "you said half an hour right?" Hailey nodded.  Jay frowned, "yeah, I swear to god if cassies changed her mind. No wonder Tate wants to get away from the house" he huffed.  Hailey smiled sadly and nodded, "she'll show up" she nodded doubtfully.  Jay smiled sadly and nodded, he just wants his daughter with him 24/7, 365 days of the year.


Tatum sighed and got up from her bed, she'd been waiting for long enough so she wandered downstairs and over to her mother who was sat on her computer with no shoes or jacket on at all. Tatum furrowed her brows, "mom we have to go..." she twined. Cassie huffed, "I'm getting ready Tate, now stop pestering me or I won't take you" she shook her head. Tatum internally cursed her mother but walked into the living room and sat down on the opposite side to Peter, she really doesn't like him, "you're mothers doing an amazing job, just love her a little more will you?" Peter scoffed. Tatum huffed, "oh yeah, coz you clearly love her don't you?" She mumbled to herself but he heard it.  Peter raised his eyebrows, "excuse me?" He stood up and walked towards her.

                 Tatum stiffened up a little when he stood above her, "what goes on inside this house stays inside this house, you hear me? If I find out you've told anyone, I will kill you" he crouched down and grabbed the collar of her jacket.  Tatum stared at him in fear, she knew that he done things to Cassie, yelled, grabbed her, threatened her, but this was new and he was becoming even more scary.  He shrugged her defenceless little body before dropping her back onto the couch, "understood?" He sat back down on the couch.  Tatum sorted her jacket out and nodded as she swallowed down her fear.

                Another 30 minutes passed and she was still sat on the couch waiting for Cassie to get herself together, so she got up and walked into the kitchen to see her mother still sat on the chair she was in before, "mom..." she folded her arms.  Cassie looked at her daughter, "Tate stop bothering me I'm trying to do something, I'll take you when I'm done!" She rolled her eyes.  Tatum could see it coming, she would let her down again, she would have to call her dad and let him know her mother was being awkward.  She sighed and went up to her room since she really didn't want to be around Peter anymore.


                  Jay checked his watch, "Cassies bailed on her, I'm telling you" he huffed.  Hailey smiled sadly, it had now been about an hour since Tatum was meant to be here and so far they hadn't heard or seen nothing.  A few seconds later haileys phone rang, "upton..." she spoke confidently.  She looked at jay and nodded before answering the phone, "copy that, we'll be there in 10" she sighed and frowned at jay.  She shook her head, "They caught a case, we gotta run" she tapped his shoulder.  Jay sighed and nodded, looks like he won't get to see Tate today after all. 


                   Tatum was sat on her bed on the verge of tears when her phone rang, she leant over and saw that it was her dad, her heart broke at the fact that she'd left him hanging even though it wasn't her fault.
Jay: "hi honey, I'm sorry but we had to leave the mall, we caught a case. Everything alright over there?"
Tatum: "it's okay, mom said she'd be ready an hour ago but she's still not moving from her laptop..."
Jay: "don't worry about it babes, we can do it another day it really doesn't matter"
Tatum: -sniffle-
Jay: "Tate? You okay?"
Tatum: "I'm sorry"
Jay: "hey it's okay sweetheart, it's not your fault okay? Please don't stress about it Tate, we can do it another day"
Tatum: "okay... I'll see you soon..."
Jay: "I'll see you soon kiddo, I love you"
Tatum: "I love you too..."


                 Jay hung up the phone and sighed deeply, "what did I say? Cassie messing up once again" he scoffed.  Hailey frowned, "is Tate okay?" She smiled sadly and carried on driving.  Jay shook his head, "she's upset, probably blaming herself already" he huffed and ran his hand through his hair.  Hailey frowned, "you'll get to see her on Saturday, she's a good kid, she'll understand" she nodded supportively.  Jay nodded and carried on looking outside of the window, nothings ever easy for him and his kid, he just wants things to go back to just him and her.


               Tatum wiped her tears away and put the phone down before running downstairs to see her mother, "dad had to go so you don't need to take me anymore" she held back her tears.  Cassie nodded and kept her eyes on the screen, "why did you tell me you'd take me but not do it?" Tatum nearly let her emotions win.  Cassie ignored her once again, "you lied to me" she eventually let out a sob.  Cassie shrugged, "I told you to tell your dad to come pick you up" she huffed.  Tatum pulled a face and shook her head, "no you didn't, you told me you'd take me when you finished..." she sobbed again.  Cassie huffed, "you said he had to go anyways, just go watch TV or something you'll see him in a few days Tate. It's not the end of the world" she warned her.

                 Tatum let out another sob and turned to walk away, she ran back up to her room but when she got to the top of the stairs but Peter was there, "show your mother some respect..." he scoffed and barged past her.  Tatum huffed, "just stay out of this, you're not my dad" she cried and ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.  She fell into the bed and cried into her pillow for what felt like hours in end until she fell asleep to the sound of the TV in the background...

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