Moving to Paris

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A/N: I will be switching from a character's POV, to third-person.


"Y/N! Hurry up and pack, we don't have all day sweetheart!" I could hear my mother's impatient voice from downstairs, I started to shove all my clothing into my bags faster. My parents had bought a place in Paris, hoping that the move from Y/C to Paris would boost our popularity. My opinion - apparently - did not matter to them, they just cared about the money this might bring.

"I'm coming, I'm almost done leading Snowball to his cage!" Snowball looked at me, then to the cage. "Go on in boy." The dog went inside the cage, its face filled with sadness, "It'll just be for a bit, Snowball." My mother called my name again. "I told you I was coming, woman!" I started to rush down the stairs, my bags and Snowball in tow.

(Time skip to the private jet)

Some of the flight attendants started to stow away the luggage, preparing for the departure. I hurriedly ran towards my seat; my parents were already as impatient as ever. As I sat down and found my notebook already next to my seat. 

To kill the time, I started to draw animals print designs, it started to get crazy once I started to combine both animal and human. I snorted as I looked at my newest design, it was a stick figure with elephant features, "What is it now?" My father snapped at me. "Nothing, Dad."

(Time skip to Paris)

My family and I got off the plane, as we hopped off, we got attacked with blinding lights. I started to cover my eyes; paparazzi was the only thing I could think of that would attack us right after the flight. Reporters were shoving each other, the security guard had to start pushing them all back, "Can you please move?" I asked, trying to keep my temper under control. "I want to head home and sleep. You can all have an interview next time." I started to rub my temples; all this flashing is going to give me a seizure

Our butler handed me Snowball; the dog would have to act as my security guard until we got home. I started to run towards the limo, my parents basking in the limelight. "Please, just step on it." I told the chauffeur, deciding to leave my parents to get another limo. 

I could only gasp at the mansion that we would be living in from now on, the gates opened as we entered. As the chauffeur opened the door, Snowball ran out of the limo, racing towards the door of the house.

 As the chauffeur opened the door, Snowball ran out of the limo, racing towards the door of the house

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I ran to explore, every room seemed grander than the other before it. A room stood out to me though, Snowball seemed to enjoy it as well - he ran towards the bed the moment I opened the door. 

I peeked my head into the bathroom, it was simply purrfect

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I peeked my head into the bathroom, it was simply purrfect. (Yes, I will add cat jokes) If I had my way, I would stay in there and bathe for days on end.

 (Yes, I will add cat jokes) If I had my way, I would stay in there and bathe for days on end

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I continued to explore the room, I stumbled upon a room that seemed more mall then closet. It even included a second floor; it took me a moment to ponder why I needed so many clothes. I snapped my fingers, "Right, modeling and singing." I let out a silent laugh. 

(Third person POV)

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(Third person POV)

Y/N ran back towards the main foyer to tell her parents that she had chosen her room, they held a box behind their backs. "Y/N, this is a moving gift." Y/N's father handed her the box, his voice sounded like a robot's, Y/N opened the box and out came a small Pomeranian, "You can name it, we'll be working in the office." Y/N was so preoccupied with the dog, she did not even hear her parents walk away.

Y/N brought the small dog up to the room, where it pushed Snowball off the bed and started to growl at him. "Now, what to name you?" Y/N stroked her imaginary beard, "Oh! How about Day?" The dog was already sound asleep, snoring.

Y/N started to put her stuff in their correct places, her music playing in the background. She watched the sun start to set upon the horizon, it was rather amazing sight to see. Hours later, Y/N laid down on her bed, scrolling through Tiktoks on her phone. It took another hour before she decided that she would rest for the night.


This is Snowball, and the picture under it is Day.

This is Snowball, and the picture under it is Day

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A/N: I'm switching  it up a bit, not offence, but I'm trying to make Y/N less bitchy

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A/N: I'm switching  it up a bit, not offence, but I'm trying to make Y/N less bitchy.

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