Entering School

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Today was the first day of Y/N's new school. She kept on rambling to her Kwamii about how excited she was to see what drama might happen, if there were bullies, and who she would bump into on her first day. "Y/N!" The girl could hear her father's voice, "The limo is waiting, hurry up!" Y/N grabbed her essentials as Shiro flew into her bag.

(Time skip to Collège Françoise Dupont)

As the limo parked, Y/N looked out her window to see a small grouping of students surrounding the car. She opened the door as a stream of compliments started to rain upon the (H/C) girl. "Can I get your autograph?" "How do you sing so well?" "Marry me, Y/N!" Y/N cringed at their choice of wording as more screams can from farther ahead, another limo had pulled up and a familiar blond person stepping out of it.

Y/N's security guard started to push some of the students away, making room for their star to pass through. She felt a tapping on her shoulder, "Do you need a guide to help you around?" Y/N turned to find none other than Adrien Agreste, "That would be nice, yes." Adrien started to show the girl around, it felt like years had passed before they finally made it to the classroom. 

"Alright class, settle down. We have a new student with us today, will you introduce yourself?" Y/N stood up as the class's attention turned to her, "I am Y/N Snow, I think you already know me in some way, so I won't explain any further! I only wish that you would treat me like any other student." Y/N's eyes trailed over to the girl she saw at the bakery, Marinette waved.

"Y/N, you'll sit in the backrow with Nathaniel." Y/N went over to sit next to the red-haired boy, she could hear snorts coming from her new seatmate. Y/N noticed that the male was asleep, he seemed rather peaceful sleeping. She poked him, earning a groan, "It's time for class, wake up." 

Nathaniel sat straight in his chair, clearing his voice, "Did I really fall asleep?" Y/N nodded as Nathaniel turned into a tomato, "I guess it was too peaceful..." His voice trailed off as the class began. "Now, I will take attendance..."

(Time skip to lunch)

Nathaniel and Y/N walked to the cafétéria, chatting some of the way. Annoying high-pitched laughter was heard behind them as Nathaniel's book was snatched out of his hands, "What is this? Oh look, a book filled with pathetic dreams!" Y/N turned around to see Nathaniel trying to get his book back from a blonde. 

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you Chloé?" Nathaniel's hands were in fists. Y/N rushed forward and grabbed the notebook from Chloé's hands, "What are you doing you brat?" Her voice was so shrill Y/N had to cover her ears. Nathaniel and Y/N started to run, both not wanting to be caught in Chloé's fiery wrath.

Panting, Y/N handed Nathaniel his notebook, "Hey, Y/N!" Y/N turned around, prepared to yell at anyone else who would ager her that day, "Oh, it's just you Adrien." Adrien rubbed his nape, "You were expecting someone else?"

Nathaniel looked down, "I'll head out now." Y/N watched Nathaniel leave, "I guess I'll see you later then?" Nathaniel ignored her and walked into the sea of passing students. Adrien started to introduce his friends, Y/N wasn't paying attention until an alarm started to go off, "I am Purple Thunder! Fear me!" Y/N snorted, with a name like that?

Y/N ran off, leaving her friends to scatter themselves amongst the panic. "Shiro, ruffle my feathers!" After transforming, she encountered a woman with lighting coming from her hands, "Well, this is going to be interesting."


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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤 (Chat Noir/Adrien x Fem!Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now