Tour Around Paris

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The next morning, Snowball, Day, and I went to take a tour around Paris to get comfortable. Later, we ended up playing in a park which I assumed was called the Place des Vosges. Snowball got tired quickly and decided to lay under the shade of a tree, which Day and I later joined him under.

Day's head shot up as he started to sniff the air, I turned to the small dog, what was he sniffing? Day started to run out of the park and towards a building. Snowball and I stood up, chasing after the Pomeranian as he stood barking at the front door of the building, I grabbed him and found myself face to face with a sign, 'Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie' I turned to my dogs.

"Stay." The dogs sat down, Snowball towering over Day. Upon entering the bakery, I noticed that to the left was a collection of glass display cabinets, showcasing many treats. On top of cabinets were small displays of baked bread, ready to sell. The floors were ornately styled, with repeating designs of lilies and fleur-de-lis. The walls were wood near the entrance and brick farther back. To the right are more displays, and further along is the register, with peels hanging from the ceiling above and a cast-iron oven in the background.

(Third person POV)

Y/N noticed a person behind the counter, the light seemed to make her hair seem either black or blue. "Bon après-midi! How may I help you today?" Y/N looked around as she made her choice, "Three croissants and six macaroons s'il vous plaît." The girl nodded and started to grab the select items and put them inside a bag. "I'm Y/N Snow, pleasure to meet you." Y/N flashed the girl a smile as she almost dropped a croissant.

"Oh, mon Dieu! You're that model!" Y/N frowned, "I was trying to discover your name." The girl laughed, "Oh! I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Y/N nodded as she grabbed her bread, "Merci." Y/N placed her euros on the countertop and walked out of the bakery. Her dogs happily wagging their tails once their eyes laid upon their owner.

The trio began their walk back to the mansion, but Y/N bumped into a person, "Je m'excuse, I should have been looking where I was going." The (E/C) eyes trailed up the person to find vibrant green ones. "Oh, aucun problème." Snowball growled at the green-eyed person as Day started to lick himself, as Y/N shushed them, she could hear an audible hissing noise.

The blond male was hissing at the dogs, his hands up in claws. Y/N gave the blond a look of confusion before he turned red, "Excusez-moi, I didn't mean to do that." He rubbed his nape, "I'm Adrien Agreste." Y/N nodded. "I'm Y/N Snow and these are my dogs Snowball, and Day." The girl gestured towards the dogs, "Pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle." Adrien bowed.

Y/N smiled, "I must go now, Au revoir!" The (H/C) girl waved goodbye as she sprinted towards her mansion with the dogs in tow.


As she opened her room door, Y/N noticed a black box with a strange symbol on the lid. The girl carefully, thinking it might have been another present from her parents. A glowing orb of light spun around Y/N, it revealed to be a small white peacock with dotted feathers.

(Art is not mine)

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(Art is not mine)

"Why, hello there!" The tiny peacock exclaimed, "I'm Shiro, your Kwamii, I give you your powers and help you transform into Paon blanc!" Y/N looked at the bug-thing, was it even real? "Can you explain?" The Kwamii nodded and started to explain all the ins and outs of a Miraculous and their holders.

"Your powers allow you can manifest objects! Basically, you can create people, animals, and more. The transformation words are: 'Shiro, ruffle my feathers!' to transform, and to de-transform you say, 'Fall my feathers'." Y/N took out two beautiful earrings from the box.

Y/N placed them on her ears as her Kwamii started to ramble on about her powers and such

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Y/N placed them on her ears as her Kwamii started to ramble on about her powers and such. "Shiro, ruffle my feathers!" A blinding light covers the girl, Y/N investigated a mirror and admired her reflection for a moment.

(Imagine this, but any color you want! This is not my art)

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(Imagine this, but any color you want! This is not my art)

Y/N found a sword at her side and grabbed it, there was a button that allowed the sword to become a whip of sorts.

Y/N found a sword at her side and grabbed it, there was a button that allowed the sword to become a whip of sorts

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Y/N walked over to her balcony and used the whip-sword to grip onto a building. The force practically launched her towards it, she had to use her improved reflexes to dodge it. Y/N started to mutter to herself, "Dieu merci that I missed that..." The girl continued to explore her new abilities, not knowing a pair of eyes practically followed her every move.

(??? POV)

A villain, or a new team member? Might as well introduce myself either way.

(Master Fu POV)

"Master!" My Kwamii Wayzz announced, "The White Peacock Miraculous has been activated, but it is not in the wrong hands this time!" I stroked my beard, "Let us see if they can control the most powerful Miraculous. We must be careful to watch the newest hero before Hawkmoth decides to steal this Miraculous too."

(Nooroo POV)

"Master, the White Peacock Miraculous has awoken." I said meekly to my master, "I see, should I not go after that Miraculous too? If it is as powerful as Ladybug and Chat Noir's, I can have my wish sooner than granted!" My master cackled as I looked down, "Yes, master."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤 (Chat Noir/Adrien x Fem!Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now