Chapter 9

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Brennan and Kat stuck around for a little bit longer after the scene, chatting about kinks and the origins of Colby and Brennan's kinky relationship. Kat had even admitted that she might want to join them out at one of the parties one of these day, something that got her a wide, relieved grin from Sam.

She really was okay with it.

Before too long though, Brennan was climbing to his feet.  "Alright, well that was awesome, but Sam and Colby have a conversation they need to have today."  He looked pointedly at Colby.

Colby grinned nervously, turning his eyes to Sam.  "Yeah, we do."  Sam nodded, even as his heart rate picked up in his chest.

Katrina smiled softly at him, kissing him sweetly before also climbing off the couch. "Date night tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll text you," Sam grinned at her.  God, he loved her...

"Cool."  She kissed him again, before standing and moving towards the door with Brennan.  "Love you."

"Love you too!"

"Call me if you need anything," Brennan warned them, shouldering his rope bag.  "Colby, you know what we talked about."

"Yeah, yeah," Colby waved him off.  "I'll fill you in later, dude."

"Okay, deuces!"  Brennan called, as he slipped out the door.  Kat sent one last sweet smile at Sam, before she also exited the apartment.

And he and Colby were left alone.

Alone together again.

Sam glanced at Colby, who was also suddenly looking nervous.  "So... talking?" Sam asked.

Colby nodded, taking and releasing a breath.  "Yeah," He nodded.

Sam looked down at his hands, folded in his lap.  "I still... I still want this?" He said unevenly, "I just... I don't really know what this is.  Or uh... really where to start?"

Colby moved his head in consensus.  "Okay..." He glanced at the ground at Sam's feet, eyeing it with some trepidation.  "Can I..."

"Can you still negotiate?" Sam asked, because he liked the idea, but he needed to know that Colby wouldn't get so spacey he wouldn't be able to negotiate properly.

Colby thought for a moment, but nodded.  "Yeah," He agreed.  "As long as you don't go trying to Dom voice me again." His voice was teasing.

Sam felt his cheeks heat up.  "Sorry..."

Colby waved him off, "Meh, no worries." Colby moved forward and settled at his feet. "You're okay with this?" He asked, "Me doing this?  Because, you know, you don't have to be.  We can negotiate this too."

Sam thought about it for a moment, really thought about it.  He tried to think of a reason that he wouldn't be okay with it, but he couldn't.  "No," He said finally.  "I think I like this."

Colby smiled happily.  "Cool," He said.  "Because I really like this too."  And he rested his head against Sam's knee.  Sam felt a rush of affection, reaching out to scratch lightly at Colby's scalp.  He got a hum of satisfaction from that one, but didn't let himself do it for too long, wary of spacing Colby again.

Colby too seemed to remember the conversation that they were supposed to be having.  "So... what else have you liked, that we've been doing?" He asked, meeting Sam's eyes.

"Uh..." Sam paused, trying to put the last day (God, had it really only been a day?) in order in his head.  "Shit, that's a lot."

"I know," Colby said gently.  "No rush."

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