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November 14

"Are you sure this one looked okay?" I questioned Hoseok, referring to the suit in my hands. It was my third time asking since trying it on, and I was still not convinced that anything looked okay on me. Maybe it was just the nerves of reality slowly hitting?

"Yes, Jooheon, it looked great. Go pay for it so we can eat." The older was clearly getting tired with my repetition and lack of food. Scared of what might happen if he went without food much longer, I quickly went up to pay for it so we could leave.

Just as Minhyuk and Changkyun had informed me, Hoseok was a nice guy from what I could tell with only meaningless conversations. He still intimidated me though. Everything he said seemed so polite and sweet, but if he wanted to, he could break my spine like a popsicle stick. That is what intimidated me.

"Do you mind if we go to a restaurant a little farther away?" Hoseok asked after we had left the store and returned to his car.

"I don't mind as long as I don't have to walk home." With a short laugh, the built male shook his head.

"No, I wouldn't do that to you."

After that, Hoseok started the car and drove to the restaurant in silence. Unlike the times in the elevator with Hyunwoo, this silence was one that felt comfortable. That could have been because of how comfortable the car was. It looked brand new and expensive, but I guess the expense made it nice to be in. I couldn't help wondering just how much he and Hyungwon made as models.

"Hey, Jooheon, do you mind if I ask why you're so nervous about this wedding?" Hoseok cautiously asked.

"It's because I haven't seen my family in over a year, and last I saw them they hated me."

"What?" The older male voiced a little too loudly.

"Vivian was the reason." It pained me that at this point I could just say the woman's name and it seemed to explain every problem I had.

"I'm sorry about that, but if they really hated you, they wouldn't send an invitation, right?" Hoseok pointed out, occasionally glancing at me while he continued driving.

"I'm hoping that's the case with my brother, but it was my father who really cut off contact. I don't think he'd ever get over it. That's how he's always been. When he sets his mind, it's final." It felt as if every word I spoke was making it one step harder to go through with attending Youngjae's wedding.

"So, you're worried something's going to happen? Like him stopping you from seeing everyone?" It was hard not to appreciate Hoseok's attempt to understand these things about me.

"It's a given that he's probably going to yell at me. I'm supposed to meet my older brother before the wedding, though, so he can't stop me from seeing him at least. Problem is that I'm nervous about that too."

"Wow, that would be scary to go into knowing there's no way around it," At the same time, Hoseok parked in front of a building that looked to be the restaurant, but he didn't get out. The older turned off the car and continued. "Are you going with anyone to the wedding? It might be easier if you aren't alone. Emotional support, you know?" I shook my head to indicate I was going by myself. "What? Make Minhyuk go with you!" He exclaimed quite loudly.

I looked out of the window at another car parking in order to avoid Hoseok's gaze. Changkyun had said the same thing the previous day before he forced me back into the group chat. It felt like asking Minhyuk to accompany me would be making him do just another thing for me. Even though he had already spent days in my apartment making sure I kept myself alive among so many other things.

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