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Maybe any other person would have gotten caught on the fact that Minhyuk had discussed my relationship with his friends. I didn't, though, because all I could think about was how wrong they had to be.

"There's no way she cheated on me. She loved me. She was only being protective when she yelled at Minhyuk. Vivian would never hurt me. Right? I wasn't being controlled. I'm a free man. I can spend however much money I want on someone. I spent that money on her because I love her. Right?"

Changkyun interrupted my thoughts when he noticed me staring at the black screen of my phone that had turned off, as it does if it's left untouched for a length of time. "Sorry, we're kind of chaotic, and you probably feel like your privacy was invaded, but please know, Minhyuk only wants you to be happy—"

"We were happy! None of you know anything!" There was no explaining why the anger and defensiveness boiled up so suddenly, but I felt helpless in a situation where I was being told the last year of my life was basically pointless. Who wouldn't feel the need to defend against that?

Surprisingly, Changkyun took my outburst well and spoke calmly as he continued to look up at me. "You're right. We don't know how your life with her was...I want you to think about something, though," my eyes narrowed as his proposal seemed ridiculous, but, regardless, I continued listening. Even if I didn't want to say it out loud, I was desperate for an explanation, and I hoped that whatever the younger was going to say would help me find one. One that would answer all the questions screaming in my head until I cried to sleep. Just as it had happened the last couple nights that, unfortunately, Minhyuk was witness to. Not to mention the latest time before Changkyun arrived. "I don't want you to say anything. Just think. If your girlfriend did nothing wrong, then why did she leave so suddenly unless she was scared you were catching on to what she was doing?"

I wanted to tell him that was stupid and explain why, but he just held up his finger and looked at me as calmly as he spoke. "I said not to talk, just think. You do that and I will set up the game cause whether you want to play or not, I do." I watched the younger turn around and grab his phone. Running his hand through his hair as he tapped on the screen and then placed it back on the table to get Minhyuk's game.

Reluctantly, I did as Changkyun said, and tried to think about his theory. "Why would she be scared? That's nonsense. She got mad at me for considering what Minhyuk accused her of as true...Did she try to deny it thoughthat doesn't matter. Vivian shouldn't have needed to. I was supposed to trust her at all times and I failed...Why wouldn't she talk to me though?" Without noticing, I had put my phone between my criss-crossed legs and my fingers had begun picking at the skin around my nails a little too harshly, but I felt nothing. "Was she really running? Why would she do that? You'd only run if you're scared. Vivian has never been scared of me. If anything, it'd be the other way around. I never got angry, never yelled, or lied...but she did. I never cheated, but she did, didn't she?"

It seemed timed when my phone suddenly vibrated in my lap and lit up with a notification from Minhyuk. I breathed in deeply but quietly and slowly let it out while I unlocked the phone to view the message.



how are you doing?

is Changkyun being

No :(

im gonna beat him

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