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October 31

After a couple more days of staying home, I was able to bring myself to go to work. It was nice to see Hyunwoo become one percent less awkward around me, but I had concluded that he seemed that way with everyone and I couldn't hope for more than that one percent.

With me going back to work and crying less, I was able to persuade Minhyuk to go home the next day, Thursday. He, of course, still came over frequently, but that was a start. I knew he wasn't doing it for any bad reasons, just that he wanted to ensure I was alright. The most I could be, anyways. I couldn't get over how understanding Chunghyeop was, though. Even if Minhyuk had done something similar for Kihyun, I was basically a stranger. His amount of love for Minhyuk was something few people found.

On Friday, the day before the Halloween event, Changkyun had tried begging Kihyun to let him stay with me instead of going to the event, but Kihyun was a little more persuasive, I guess. I didn't mind, though. Especially when Minhyuk had come over and spent most of the hours before the event with me. That's when I had thought it odd how Minhyuk had spent almost five whole days in my apartment, but I hadn't even knocked on his door yet.

"Why don't you come over next Tuesday then?" Minhyuk raised his eyebrows as he put a piece of food he had gotten from my kitchen in his mouth.

The older had gotten quite comfortable in my apartment to the point he took my food without asking, but I didn't think about it since it was the least I could give him for what he had done for me.

"That's strangely specific, but okay," I agreed and held my hand out for a piece of the food.

After Minhyuk had left and gotten to the event, I didn't have much time to do anything when I got bombarded with pictures in the group chat. That eventually became only Changkyun and I talking back and forth when he got bored and lost Kihyun.



i wonder if he realizes
im not with him

I'm sure he does

even if he does there's
no point in finding me

im tired

Can ypu go home?

not unless i find
Minhyuk or Hyunwoo
hyung to take me

Kihyun's orders

Minhyuk-ssi was just
on here maybe you
can text him?

i already tried :/

dislike my hyungs rn

other than you

I'm special :)

confidence overload

but its trueee!!

i'm gonna try texting
Minhyuk-ssi too

watch hm answer you
and not me >:(


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