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October 24

Turning around, I saw Minhyuk looking back at me desperately trying not to cry as I was. Kinda funny how the one who I could have gotten mad at brought me a feeling of comfort instead. But this only made me start to really believe what he said earlier about Vivian.

I gripped onto the man hugging me as my heart started to ache harder from the realization. I wanted the safety I had felt with Vivian again. Happiness and warmth were gone. At least with crying into Minhyuk's arms I got a sense of safety and physical warmth.

My track of time was completely gone and I had no clue how long it had been when another sound of footsteps was heard. This time they were noticed but I didn't move. Minhyuk turned to look, though. When I felt and heard the soft beating of my neighbor's heart quicken ever so slightly I somehow knew it was his boyfriend.

"You weren't at home and I saw his door open. I—um, wanted to let you know I'm home, Min," the owner of the footsteps said.

"Ah sorry. Hey Jooheon, I should probably—"Minhyuk tried to let go, but I couldn't help but hold the one person I had left tighter.

"Please don't leave me too." I felt slightly embarrassed to have said that but the fear took over me.

Because I kept my head to Minhyuk's chest not wanting to see their reactions, I felt his heart rate increase more. He looked over to his boyfriend again who replied to Minhyuk's likely concerned or questioning look with a soft tone.

"It's okay. Just, um, I'll bring you two some food and if you need anything else just call me. Or you could yell." The last sentence came out with an almost inaudible chuckle as he, unsuccessfully, tried to lighten the mood.

The man left and Minhyuk tightened his arms around me briefly before speaking, "Hey, Jooheon, let's get you off the floor." With a moment of reluctance, I nodded and he slowly got up, bringing me with him. As soon as we were standing Minhyuk held my head to his chest and whispered with such guilt in his voice that he was sorry.

He then took my hands, which were still gripping onto his surprisingly soft shirt--now wet with tears. I watched this action in an effort not to look at him. Whether out of shame, embarrassment, or something completely different I just couldn't bring my eyes up to his. That was until one of his hands left mine and a finger hooked under my chin, bringing it up and giving me no choice but to look at him.

"It's going to be okay, Jooheon." Minhyuk's voice came out deep and soft in a way that you could listen to it for days. The focus I had on his voice and features was concerning. I hadn't looked in his eyes for this long before and it was, honestly, addictive. The emotion he held with just his eyes and the beauty of them could be blinding.

I wanted so badly to believe it would be okay, and if it wasn't for the eye contact with him, I would have convinced myself I'd be broken forever. But instead, I was able to give in to what he said and nodded.

Minhyuk and I sat on the couch talking about anything, including reminding me of his boyfriend's name. But when the effects of crying started to take over, my eyes became heavy and my focus lessened. Minhyuk noticed this quickly and had me lay down making me rest my head on his leg, taking the place of a pillow.

It was half an hour since Chunghyeop had left when he came back to knock on the door. Minhyuk clearly thought I was asleep when he slowly and carefully lifted my head off his leg. His steps could be heard making their way to the door to let his boyfriend in.

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