Gontas Support

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Gontas pov

I sat in the corner crying. Why did kokichi yell at gonta like that? Dose kokichi not like gonta anymore? Gonta doesn't want kokichi to leave!

"hey guy we thought we'd just pop in and- gonta!" I looked up to see friends kiibo and shuichi looking worried about gonta.

I wiped my tears away "what is friends doing here?"

"we just came down for a quick chat" kiibo said "what happened?"

I stood up and explained everything to them.

"kokichi hates gonta now gonta knows it" I burst into tears again.

"there there gonta there's no way that kokichi hates you" shuichi said rubbing gontas back "kokichi loves you more than anything else in the world and I'm sure he'll be back any minute now"

As if by friend himikos magic kokichi came through the door.

"kokichi came back!" I yelled as I picked kokichi up and hugged him "gonta was so worried. Please don't leave gonta again!"

"oh I'm sorry I scared you big guy" he said stroking gontas face. He turned to friends shuichi and kiibo "hey can you guys leave a second? We need to talk in private"

The nodded and left. I turned to my tiny mate.

"what does gonta and kokichi need to talk about?"

He took a deep breath "there's something I need to tell you"

ougoku family AU (omegaverse) Where stories live. Discover now