Seven: The Assignment

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Song of the chapter: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

Best used during the ending


Date: March 9th, 2019

Time: 9:21 AM

Location: Ben's old room in the Umbrella Academy


Viv plopped down on her bed and let out a heavy sigh, somewhat pissed that she still had to do schoolwork. She used her foot to nudge the suitcase away from her legs so the teenager could lie down fully.

Everyone had left the room to give Viv the opportunity to unpack and "get to know the room" in Klaus' wise and somewhat drunk words.

It started to rain outside and the sound of the raindrops hitting the window gave Viv the chance to catch some sleep.

~ Meanwhile downstairs in the foyer ~

"How are we gonna do this?" Diego asked everyone who didn't quite know how to respond.

"Do what?" Five asked in return.

"Take care of Viv. We can't even take care of Klaus!" He exclaimed gesturing towards Klaus who was talking to the wall.

"Hey, gorgeous." Klaus said, seductively.

"I- See?!" 

Five frowned and put his hands on his waist as well as tapping his foot impatiently.

"Look, we still have yet to find out Viv's power." He said.

"She can manipulate the ground, isn't that it?" Luther asked.

"It depends. It doesn't mean that's her only power. It could just be a relative of her real power." Five sighed.

Everyone sat and thought a bit, until Klaus started coughing up a storm in the corner.

"Sorry." He apologized before Allison walked him up the steps to his bedroom. 

Five closed the doors behind him and started up again.

"We have to start today-"

"We can't do that!" Vanya exclaimed.

"Why not?" The little boy questioned.

"It'll be traumatic. Obviously we can't train like Dad did and to exert her energy all in one day? Besides, I'd be surprised if she actually trusts you two." She explained whilst pointing towards Five and Luther.

Five frowned, knowing all too well that Vanya was right.

"Tomorrow, then." Diego said walking out of the room as Allison walked in.

"We're training her tomorrow." Luther pointed out.

Allison nodded.


Date: March 9th, 2019

Time: 9:19 AM

Location: A SWAT truck


"Boss." An officer grunted.

Mark looked up, nodding, giving his permission for the officer to speak.

"We have a problem." He continued, showing his phone to Mark.

An email popped up from Hatstall.

"Change of plans, head to the Commission. Something... unexpected came up." The email read.

The hooded man rerouted the GPS' location, sending them South to the white marble building.


Date: March 9th, 2019

Time: 9:21 AM

Location: The Commission


Herb was standing at the top of the steps, holding plenty of paperwork as AJ and Carly walked up the steps.

"Congrats Ms. Carly." Herb said as he handed the papers to AJ.

"For what?" Carly asked, looking over AJ's shoulder.

"You've been assigned." AJ said, staring at the papers she held in her hands. 

"Assigned? To who?" Carly inquired in a panicked tone.

"Me." Someone said.

Everyone turned around to see the hooded man with his arms crossed standing in front of the only exit in the hall. 

"Mark Hallaway, I'm your new mentor."

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