Paris' pov
I watched London run over to the swing as I sat on a bench and watched her play. Let me tell you why we're at a park in the first place. It was two years ago, London was three and I was fourteen. My mom had just passed away two months before we ran away. We lived with our step dad. Then we started the abuse. I was fine if he hit me, as long as it wasn't London. She was a beautiful baby, with her golden locks and big doe brown eyes, so when he hit her I lost it. I grabbed what food and blankets I could carry and ran away with her. Ever since then, we've been on the run from my step father. I've been trying to get a job, but there hard to keep, especially carrying a baby around. I couldn't drop her off at a day care, because I didn't have enough to pay for one. I was interrupted from my thoughts when the five year old said,"I got to potty." I nodded and said,"Come on." We got into the handicapped stall and I fixed my hair while I waited on her. I brushed my brown hair back out of my green eyes. I had my dad's hair and mom's eyes. London had mom's hair and dad's eyes. We were opposites. I pulled my shirt that was starting to get to small down to hide my stomach. I was so skinny from not eating I didn't have curves. Any food or money I could get would go towards London. Our names are both places because my mother always wanted to go there. I smiled sadly at the memory of me asking her why we were named what we were. I helped her wash her hands and told her it was time to go home. Our home was an old abandoned house. When we were walking down the road, this nice car pulled up and stopped next to us. "Excuse me, do you need a ride?" I pulled my sister closer to me and said,"No thanks." I kept walking, but the guy was persistent on giving us a ride. "Come on, where do you live?" I snapped at him, getting annoyed,"An abandoned house, ok were not interested in a ride, so leave us alone!" He frowned and said,"Would you like to come live with me?" I thought about this for a moment and looked at London. She was looking at his car curiously. It would be better than our shack. "What do you want in return?" He thought for a moment, then said,"You could be our maid, and I could pay you a small amount to help you get some money." I smiled and said,"Ok, but if your planning on killing us, firstly, no one would look for us and secondly, don't kill her put her in a foster home." He chuckled and said,"Wasn't planning on it, but ok." I helped London into the back seat, buckling her up, before going around to the passenger seat. "I'm Paris and that is London by the way." He smiled and said,"I'm Liam." I nodded and relaxed back into his seat, falling asleep to the soft purr of the car.
Liam's pov
I smiled at the angel in the passenger seat. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to find a beautiful mate. I asked the little girl in the back seat,"Do you want to get you and you mommy some McDonald's?" The little girl frowned and said,"That's not my mommy, that's my sister. My mommy go bye bye." I frowned, not really sure what to think of that. 'I'll ask Paris later' I nodded and said,"Ok, do you want to get your sister some food?" She nodded and said,"She'll eat a lot. Her belly growl a lot." So she's starving? And they live in an abandoned house? I certainly need to speak to her. I ordered myself a double cheese burger meal with a Oreo McFlurry. London ordered a 6-piece chicken nugget meal with an m&m McFlurry. She told me her sister would have a double cheese burger meal with the Oreo McFlurry. "That's what she would get before mommy went bye bye." The little girl looked upset so I said,"Would you like a toy in your meal?" She nodded excitedly and I drove up to the next window. I paid as she handed my order. I headed home, but as I drove I made a list of things I needed to do. I needed to buy them toiletries, clothes, undergarments, and shoes. I parked my Ferrari in the garage and woke Paris up. "Wake up hon, were here." Her head snatched up and took in her surroundings quickly, before calming down and realizing where she was. She smiled at me, before getting out and getting London. I grabbed the food and led them to the kitchen. I gave them there food and I heard Paris say,"Thank you." I smiled down at her and said,"You don't have to thank me, your living here so I got you lunch." She smiled at me. That is a beautiful smile... then I realized I was staring. Before she noticed I looked away and started eating. I heard them say a prayer before beginning to eat. I should probably start doing that. We are in a comfortable silence, besides the questions from London. When we finished, she laid London on the couch and pulled me aside. "Do we have a room, or are we sleeping in the living room?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Of course, a room." She nodded and said,"Can you show me to it?" I nodded and she grabbed the now sleeping London. I led her upstairs to the spare room across mine. She began walking in, but I pulled her back. She lent up against the door way and gave me a questioning look. "If you need anything, my rooms right here." She nodded and said,"Thank you." Then she surprised me by kissing my cheek before blushing lightly and closing the door. I smiled as I walked into my room.

Protect Me
WerewolfWhen Paris runs from her step father with her little sister, will they be able to completely escape? Will they be able to survive on there own? Will she find more than a place to stay when she goes with the mysterious man?