Chapter 18

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Paris' pov

I woke up with a hang over and ran to the toilet sick. I usually didn't get sick with hangovers. I puked and realized I was naked. Wth? I look at the bed and realized he's naked too. "Oh my goodness..." He sat up and frowned. "Are you alright?" I shook my head. "Did you use protection?" He shook his head and kissed my neck and said,"Your mine now." I looked in the mirror and see a tattoo with his name on it. Around it was his semi-fresh bite mark. "We're recently married, do you really think we're prepared for a kid?" He nodded and said,"Of course, we have London." I growled at him, making him realize bringing London into this wasn't his best choice. "Look here, London is mature for her age, and she is old enough where we don't have to change her diaper and watch her 24/7. If we were to have a baby, it is stressful. I watched it split my own parents up." He hugged me and said,"It's ok babe, lets get some breakfast." We got up and I said,"I'm putting clothes on first." I felt his eyes follow me as I walked over to my bag. I found some pink frilly bra and undies. I rolled my eyes, pulling them on. Next I threw some jeans on with a tank top on and a lacy shirt over it. He whistled and I rolled my eyes. I growled,"You didn't pack any of my make up! You should know by now I have to wear my make up to feel pretty." It's true we've been on hundreds of dates and I never once didn't wear makeup. He sighed and said,"Look in the mirror, your beautiful with out it and I wish you would see that." I smiled sadly at him. "I'll put up with it. For now." He smiled and said,"Thanks beautiful." I stuck my tongue out playfully. We ate our food and he dragged me out the door to get my pregnancy test.

We get to the pharmacy and grab a test real quick. I also grab some make up but he makes me put it back because I agreed to put up with it for now. I pouted and went to the register. We buy it, going home immediately. I took the test and sat in the bathroom and just sat there. It made this little sound, meaning it was done. I didn't move to check it, I was so nervous right now, I could hardly breathe. I finally got up and looked at the stick. I fell to the ground crying. Liam grabbed me and said,"What's wrong?" I smiled and said,"It was a negative." He frowned. Why are you so relieved? I thought we were starting a family?" I smiled and said,"I'm relieved because I don't think we're ready to be parents for a baby. And we are starting a family. I just need some time adjusting to being married." He nodded and hugged me. I pulled back after a moment and said,"What's it like being pregnant with wolf babies?" He chuckled and said,"You hardly wouldn't know until you have a baby coming out of your vagina." I laughed at his bluntness. "I bet most women wished they could keep there body and everything." He nodded in agreement. We got up getting lunch, since we had a bad breakfast. We ate then played in the snow. We spent our three weeks like that then went home.

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