Paris' pov
"Well?..." I asked, ready for him to explain. "You don't have to have an intimate relationship. As long as you make her smile, that is just heaven." He smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I hugged Austin, causing us to get growled at. Austin and I chuckled, me releasing him. He said,"Can I go play now?" I nodded and he ran off to go watch cartoons. As soon as he left I asked,"How old is he?" Liam answered,"15, but he is very responsible." I nodded and said,"Can I trust my sister in his safety?" He nodded and said,"Come here." I came over and hugged him. I don't know how long we stood there, but when we pulled apart, I saw Austin laying on the couch with London sleeping on his chest. I tried to take her but he shook his head. He picked her up gently and took her up to her room. He laid down next to her, falling asleep. I realized it was 10:00 at night. Me and Liam went and laid down. "Why didn't you tell me about the thing where we could be friends?" He shrugged. "We were dating and I didn't think it would matter." I nodded and said,"Lets go to bed." He nodded and said,"Good night baby." I smiled and said,"Good night."
I woke up to falling off the bed. I sat up to see what the problem was. London, and Austin were snuggling. Next to them was Liam. He was snuggling next to them. I smiled and looked at the clock. 1:45 in big red numbers. I wouldn't be able to sleep. I got up, going down stairs to eat something. I fixed a bowl of vanilla ice cream, with Hershey's chocolate pored over it. I sat on the couch, turning the tv on with the volume down. I ate the ice cream and watched the news. The took my step fathers body away and claim it was an animal attack. I turned the channel to cartoons. I got bored of watching Spongebob so I turned on the wii. I started playing 'Call Me Maybe' on just dance four, singing along. When I finished I was bored again. I turned the wii off and snuck upstairs and grabbed my phone. Now it was 2:01. I went back down stairs, putting my head phones in, turning on 'part of me' I started singing to myself and dancing around the kitchen. I got some cereal and fixed myself some frosted mini wheats. I sat on the counter, eating my cereal. Liam came in, seeing me in my sleeping shorts and tank top, singing random music, eating cereal. I figured he'd ask me what the heck I was doing but was surprised that he asked,"Can I join you?" I nodded and said,"Get a bowl." He nodded fixing himself a bowl of frosted flakes. I thought he would put sugar on it, but he just ate it with milk. "How can you eat like that? Do you have no taste buds?" He chuckled and said,"I have taste buds, I just like them plain." I gasped,"I still don't see how you can eat that." I finished my bowl of cereal, going to the fridge. I found one of those spray bottle things with whip cream. I squirted into my mouth, while Liam just sat on the counter. I stopped squirting and said,"What?" It didn't come out right because I had a mouthful so it sound like,"Waey?" He chuckled, hoping of the counter. I swallowed what was in my mouth and tried to speak clearer. Before I could speak, his lips were on mine. It wasn't one of our usual kisses either. It was one of those hot, needy kisses. I kissed back until he pulled away. "You had whip cream on your lips." I giggled and put some on his. "You have some on yours too." He asked me,"Will you get it off?" I shook my head no. "Catch me first." I took off running upstairs. I tiptoed into our room, and ducked into the bathroom cabinet. I had a weird feeling of de ja vu. I smiled when I remembered the first time I hid in here. I heard him trying to sneak through the room, but then I heard a growl and then a bang. I got out of there and ran into the room to see what happened.

Protect Me
WerewolfWhen Paris runs from her step father with her little sister, will they be able to completely escape? Will they be able to survive on there own? Will she find more than a place to stay when she goes with the mysterious man?