Chapter 5

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Paris' pov

I giggled as I ran and hid in the giant food cabinet. I closed the door quickly but quietly. I snuck all the way to the back of the closet and hid behind some food. I heard him run by it and I giggled. I didn't think it was that loud but I heard foot steps come back by the door. I heard it open, and soft foot steps come towards my hiding spot. When they got close I jumped up and tackled him. He fell and I landed on his chest, a lot like last night. I pecked his lips, and jumped up going to find a new hiding spot. I ran into the bathroom, and hid in the cabinet in there. He had a lot of cologne, and after shave in there. It didn't smell good at all. I stayed completely quite, and I waited. And waited. I'm taking a nap. I leant back and fell asleep curled up in a ball.

Liam's pov

I couldn't smell her scent. It lead into my room, but it ended. I thought about the bathroom. She could mask her scent with all my body and hair products. I ran my hands through my thick black hair just thinking about adding gel to it. It gave it that 'sexy bed head look' as the girls at school put it. I tip-toed and opened the door and found her asleep. I picked her up and she automatically relaxed in my arms. I just have that effect on people. Ok it's just her. I carried over to the bed and laid her down. I kissed her fore head before going downstairs to make some food and get London up. I made French toast and put it on two trays. One for London one for Paris. I took London's up first. I went to her door and knocked. Here goes nothing.

An: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to ebluvsyou1999. Sorry if I didn't spell it right, and thank you for the feed back.

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