Chapter II

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"What makes me special?" She looked at him like a scared child.

"We'll talk about that another time, princess." He stood up and intertwined his hands in front of him. "So, what's your decision?"

"I don't think I really have a choice." She raised her eyebrows.

He exhaled and smiled, "good. I'm glad we can do this the easy way." He made a hand gesture to dismiss everyone but one girl stayed.

" He made a hand gesture to dismiss everyone but one girl stayed

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"Kai, she saw everything. Even if she does join, she can still rat us out." The girl with grey hair asked concerned.

"Oh, Winter, you know I wouldn't let that happen. Now, leave us." He directed his attention back to Y/N and the girl sighed and headed upstairs.

Kai helped Y/N up and untied her wrists. He walked over to a round table off to the side. "Come, sit with me. We have much to discuss." He sat down calmly.

She cautiously made her way over to him and sat facing the intimidating man.

He set his elbow on the table and extended his pinkie finger. "Give me your pinkie."

She was very confused but he didn't seem like the person to question so she obliged and assumed the position.

They linked fingers and he tilted his head down to look into her eyes deeper. "What are you most afraid of Y/N?"

"How do you-

"Answer. The question." He interrupted her with an assertive tone.

She gulped and shuffled in her seat, how did he know her name? "Snakes? Spiders? I don't know." She brushed off.

His free hand's fist came down on the table, "no!" He stared at her intensely and then regained his composure, "go deeper." He said once he calmed down.

"Honestly, the state of the world." She finally looked him in the eyes.

"Elaborate." He said plainly.

She sighed, "everything's gone to shit. Especially if Trump wins this election. Then we're all doomed."

His face got softer, "no... he will make things right. You'll see, it will be beautiful." He said almost whispering.

"Well I disagree. I think he's gonna destroy us and ruin this country." She defended her previous statement.

"Exactly. That's the point. He's going to piss off the entire world and he will 'destroy us and ruin the country'. He's going to tear it all down so we can rebuild it." As he spoke the darkness started to leave his eyes.

"We?" She asked.

"Yes..." He stood up and walked over to stand next to her chair. "We. I chose you to join my movement. But not to serve me. To lead with me. I've watched you for some time, and I've dug into your past. Your attacker. Ruled 'not guilty'. That must've made you angry. No justice. Our system has failed you." He put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her sympathetically.

Her eyes shot up, "how do you know about that?"

"I have my sources. But tell me about that. How did that make you feel?" He pushed on.

She tried to hold back her tears, "angry."


"Furious. Why should he get to walk away unharmed while I have to suffer for the rest of my life?" Her tears finally revealed themselves.

"You want him dead?"

She cried harder as time passed, "yes." She whimpered.

He retrieved a tissue from a nearby box and handed it to her. "How old were you?"

She sniffed and stared off into the distance, "twelve."

He looked around the room and exhaled. "You, dear Y/N, deserve some justice." He said in a whisper-scream tone looking back down at the broken girl.

She looked up at him not with fear this time, but with hope. Hope that she would finally be at peace. "Tell me about this 'movement'."

Kai smiled and walked back to his seat to sit. "World domination. Now that there is a vacant seat on city council, as you saw, I will be running. I will get the position and eventually scare the absolute shit out of this town. They will come running to me like children in a feverish nightmare. I will make them feel safe and then eventually pull off the biggest stunt to get the whole nation's attention. I will then become senate and soon enough, I'll be in the White House." He leaned back proud of his little speech.

"I don't think it's that easy, Kai." She raised an eyebrow.

"But it will be. Only, if you're by my side to get me there." He held both of her hands over the table.

"Why do you want me? I don't know how to help you. Let alone, take over the world-

"You have it Y/N. Once in a lifetime rage." His evil smile returned.

"Rage?" She asked blankly.

"Yes. The fury you so desperately try to keep hidden. But you can't hide it from me. You've been beaten down and underestimated your whole life. Your anger, suppressed by those around you. I'm going to help you release it, and you'll be the one beating them down."

She looked down at the table and bit the inside of her cheek thinking. "Don't give me false hope Kai." She looked at him seriously.

"I'm not. No. You will see. I promise. We can run things how we want. Take over together. Equal power." He threw his hands up for dramatic effect.

"Equal power?" She repeated.

"Equal. Power." His eyes glistened. "No one will ever hurt you again."

She took a deep breath, "I'm in."

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