Chapter X

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---3 months later---

The moment Y/N walked out of that door, all of Kai's sanity left his body and he began popping adderall like candy. The Kai she knew and fell in love with, left when she did and now she was heading back to Michigan to discover this.

Her plane landed and she texted Kai she made it back safely. She got no response after a while but assumed he was busy with something or was away from his phone.

She got a taxi back to her own house so she could freshen up before reuniting with her love. She showered and dolled herself up with makeup and a cute outfit. She couldn't have moved any faster; she was filled with excitement, she missed him more than anything.

Her car came to a stop in Kai's driveway and she jumped out. She ran up to the porch to be greeted by one of his men like last time. Before she could say anything the man opened the door for her with a frightened look. She looked at him confused but shrugged it off and stepped inside.

"Kai?" She called out not seeing anyone upstairs. "Winter?" She walked around peering into some of the rooms. She whipped around to face the basement door when she heard chanting. She pushed her eyebrows together a bit weirded out by the noise. She crept up to the door and turned the knob slowly. The chanting stopped and all she could hear was Kai's voice. But he sounded different. She took each step with caution and finally made it to the bottom stepping out into the room. All of Kai's 'volunteers' head to toe in white sitting on the floor all looked up and Kai sat in a chair in front of all of them.

He turned around slowly and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Y/N looked at him oddly noticing his long blue hair was gone, leaving him with a buzzcut.

He got up calmly and slowly approached her. His hands reached down to cup her face and he kissed her passionately.

She was confused but she kissed back. He seemed very different and she wasn't sure what to think.

He pulled back and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear sighing. "I've missed you." He nodded.

"I missed you too, Kai." She smiled up at him acclimating to his new appearance. She ran her hand over the top of his head.

He chuckled a little, "not a fan?"

"No, it's just so different. I'll get used to it though." She giggled.

"Boys. I'll continue later. I need to speak with this woman in private." He seemed so oddly calm.

Y/N hated the way he said "this woman", but she didn't let it effect her. "I didn't mean to interrupt, what are you guys doing down here?" She asked.

"Oh, my love, you could never interrupt. We were just having a meeting." He cupped her cheek still admiring the face he missed so much.

"Meeting? Shouldn't the others be here?" She cocked her head to the side.

He sighed and walked toward the couch that used to be in the middle of the room that was now off to the side. He sat down and motioned for her to sit next to him.

She obliged and sat down with a worried look.

"There are only two members left Y/N." He rested his hand on her thigh and looked deeply into her eyes.

She blinked a couple times and looked down at the floor. "W-what?" She stuttered, "well, what happened? Did they leave?"

"No." He simply answered.

"Kai! What happened?" She looked into his eyes but she couldn't find Kai.

"RJ was weak, Gary died for the cause, Harrison, Samuels, and Ivy were killed by our own, a-and..." He cleared his throat, "Winter was a traitor. She- she's dead." He said quietly.

Y/N shot up off the couch, "W-Winter?" Her voice was shaky, "are you okay? Oh my God, Kai, why didn't you tell me?" She put her hands on each of his shoulders.

His head fell and he covered his face with his hands and began to cry.

Y/N sat back down next to him and wrapped her arms around him with tears slightly filling her eyes. "K-Kai, you have to tell me."

"Oh God. Oh God." He cried to himself.

She moved his hands to his lap and she grabbed either side of his face turning him toward her.

He breathed heavily and cried loudly.

She kissed his cheek a few times and pulled him into a hug.

He cried into the crook of her neck and she held him.

"Kai, I'm so sorry." She rubbed his back.

He sat up, "Y/N..." He shook his head.

She held his face.

"I killed her, I killed her, oh God, I killed her. Y/N I fuckin' killed her." He weeped and shook his head.

Y/N's face dropped and her eyes widened. She let go of Kai's wet face and sat staring at him in disbelief with her mouth slightly open.

"Y/N, please, I-I had t-to." He reached out to her but she jerked back a little and he looked up confused.

"Kai, she's your sister, how could you-

"She betrayed me and I couldn't-

"Kai! What the fuck?" Now she was crying, who was sitting in front of her? Where's Kai?

"Please, Y/N, she sold me out." He begged through his tears.

She put her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands in shock.

Kai stayed silent but continued his constant stream of tears.

She sat back up and sniffed, "that would leave one member, Beverly, not two Kai." She regained her composure.

He shook his head, "Ally."

"Al- Ivy's wife?" She questioned because she was one of the cult's targets.

"I know it sounds crazy but-

"That sounds crazy to you? Kai you killed your sister! The person who stuck by your side since the beginning." She said disappointed in him.

He started to cry loud again, "I know. I know. I- I know-

"Who are you?" She said as she exhaled.

Kai's eyes shot up to meet her's, "w-what?"

"This isn't my Kai. What happened?" She stood up slowly.

He stopped crying almost as if it were on que and he rolled his head around stretching his neck. His face went completely cold as he switched emotions in the snap of a finger. He stood up and held his hands out like he was presenting something, "this is who I was meant to be Y/N. And from now on... I'm gonna need you to call me Divine Ruler."

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