Chapter XII

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Y/N pulled into Ally's driveway for this stupid practice night. She got out and walked up to the front door to knock. Ally opened the door and dragged her inside.

"Kai and the others are setting up in the other room. Come on I have to tell you something." Ally led her up to her room.

"Wh-what-what is it? Ally slow down." She stumbled as Ally yanked her along.

She closed her bedroom door and paced around the room.

"Ally! C'mon spill it, what?" She was getting nervous.

"W-Winter. I can't keep this secret anymore I need to tell someone." She shook her head furiously.

"Winter? What?" Y/N asked.

"I-I set her up. F-framed her- I-

"What?" She spat as she stood up.

"I planted a bug and recorder and blamed it on Winter- I-I had to, I couldn't have Kai suspect me and she- she stole my wife I-

"Ally..." She trailed off and now she was the one pacing.


Ally was interrupted by pounding on the door. "What are you bitches up to in there?" Sandstorm yelled angrily through the door.

Y/N and Ally shot each other a scared look.

Y/N walked up to the door and opened it. "I'm sorry Sandstorm, Ally was just showing me her new bathroom renovations." She laid on a fake smile.

He looked to Ally for reassurance and she nodded and smiled.

"Well, Divine Ruler wants you two downstairs. The fruit salad isn't going to make itself." He said and turned to head back downstairs.

The girls followed and joined Beverly to cook.

Kai stormed into the room on the phone, "call me back as soon as you get this!" He yelled and slammed his fist on the counter hanging up.

"What's wrong Kai?" Y/N asked coming up behind him rubbing his shoulders.

He took a deep breath, "Speed Wagon isn't picking up and he's never missed a meeting or been late." He said concerned.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Y/N nodded and turned him around. She cupped his face and stared into his eyes still hoping her Kai was somewhere in there but she saw nothing. She dropped her hands and walked over to continue preparing the food.

Kai's eyebrows furrowed and then he walked back into the room with his men. He started telling them the plan and explaining the execution.

"Ally, could you run out and get some more strawberries?" Y/N asked her as she cut up some fruit.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Ally agreed suspiciously and grabbed her keys and waved.

Y/N waved back and slowly made her way over to the doorway where Kai and the others were. She leaned on the doorframe watching Kai.

He finished running through everything and passed Y/N in the doorway.

She grabbed his arm and he spun around. "Come here." She led him into the next room over.

Kai was confused but he cooperated.

She closed the door behind them and she put her hands on his shoulders to lower him onto a bench.

He sat down and looked up at her.

"I-it's about Winter..." Her eyes were wide and her voice was shaky.

"Wha-what? What did she do?" Kai asked.

"That's the point. She didn't do anything. Ally planted everything." She knelt down in front of him.

His eyes didn't leave her's and tears started to form.

In this moment. This exact moment was the first time she'd seen the real Kai in months and her sliver of hope came back. "I'm-I'm so sorry Kai. I didn't know and I wish I was here to stop her." She started to cry too.

Kai screamed, angry at himself and started to cry even harder.

She pulled him into a hug and sniffed, "Kai, I'm so sorry." She squeezed him and cried into his shoulder.

"I killed her Y/N. I killed her, I killed her for fucking nothing." He whined as tears coated his face.

Y/N pulled back and cupped his face with both of her hands. "It's her fault Kai. She needs to pay."

His hopeless eyes locked with her's and his face softened.

Y/N felt like she went back in time, like she was looking at the Kai she fell in love with before she left. Her mouth was ajar and her eyes wide as she caressed his cheek and savored this moment. "K-Kai?"

"Y/N." He exhaled and took her hand in his.

She started to cry again; she missed him so much.

He pulled her back into an embrace quickly and they cried to each other. "I-I don't know what's happened to me Y/N. When you left I-I-

"I know." She weeped and hugged back tighter.

They stayed as they were for what felt like eternity until they heard a car door shut outside.

"That's Ally. We can't do anything about this now so just play it cool." Y/N convinced him as she stood up and wiped her tears.

He nodded and did the same.

She went to exit the room but he turned her around by her waist and pulled her toward him in one swift motion. Their lips met and they clung to each other like their lives depended on it.

They pulled away breathless and smiled at each other missing this feeling.

---time skip---

Y/N ended up going home with Kai and staying the night. She woke up with her head on his warm chest and she took in his scent smiling.

Kai ran his fingers through her hair, "good morning."

She looked up at him and gave him a peck.

"I'm gonna go shower." He smiled and slid out from under her.

She propped herself up on the bed and watched as Kai made his way to the bathroom, taking in his morning appearance.

---time skip---

Y/N was back at her own house sitting on the couch watching tv when her phone lit up on the end table. She picked it up and read:

Kai: Meeting in the basement at 9 o'clock.

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