Chapter IX

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Y/N never left Kai's side the whole week until the day arrived where she wouldn't be able to cling to him anymore. Her bags were packed and she drove to his house to say goodbye. She pulled into his long driveway and sighed as she put the car in park. She got out and slowly strutted up to the door. A man stood in front of the door guarding it, one of Kai's volunteers.

"I'm here to say bye to Kai

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"I'm here to say bye to Kai." She said to him. She didn't know how to feel about the men and she didn't understand why they needed to be there.

"Divine Ruler is busy at the moment Miss." He said with a serious look.

"I'm leaving for 3 fucking months and I'm gonna say goodbye to my boyfriend!" She raised her voice and pulled him in by the collar of his stupid blue button up shirt. "You're gonna wanna get the fuck outta my way." Her jaw clenched as she spoke.

"Oh please, you're not gonna do anyth-

She pulled a small knife from her back pocket and held it to his throat. "You sure about that Gutterball?" Her eyes got dark.

He put his hands up and moved aside quickly.

A satisfied smile creeped up on her face as she put her weapon away and stepped inside.

Kai was standing at the kitchen table looking at a computer with other men surrounding him. He looked up at the sound of the door closing and froze for a minute.

The two held eye contact for what seemed like forever on opposite sides of the room.

Kai jogged up to her and picked her up hugging her.

They gripped onto each other like their lives depended on it.

"Y/N!" He whispered excitedly next to her face not releasing from the tight hug.

"Kai..." She started.

"Shhh, I want to stay like this for a minute." He closed his eyes savoring the moment.

He exhaled and finally placed her back on her feet. He placed his palms on either side of her face and just admired her beauty.

She placed one of her own hands over his and smiled up at him.

"I can't believe today's already here." He said with disappointment.

"Kai, these men... why are-

"Y/N, baby, they're volunteers, they want to help my cause, don't worry. They're trustworthy." Kai persuaded.

"Trustworthy enough to deny me seeing you one last time before I leave?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Gutterball?" He asked himself under his breath. He began stomping to the door with anger but Y/N grabbed his arm stopping him.

"It's fine, I took care of it, but maybe you should reconsider having them here, we've been just fine without them." She nodded.

"I'll talk to Gutterball, but Y/N, with them, the movement will only become stronger. I do need them." He placed his hand on her upper arm to assure her.

She looked at her watch, "oh shit! K-Kai, I gotta go."

Kai sighed and pulled her into another hug resting his chin on the top of her head and looking into the distance.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She said weakly.

"Not more than I'll miss you." Kai answered.

She giggled a bit and pulled away from his embrace.

They stared into each other's eyes once again and both of them leaned in for a final kiss.

Y/N pulled back first and held Kai's hand to squeeze.

He gave her a sympathetic look, "I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you too Kai." She gave the same faint smile.

He raised her hand he was holding and kissed the back of it as she walked backwards to the door.

They let go of each other and she finally turned around to open the door. She stepped through and gave him one final smile before closing it.

Gutterball stood aside and avoided eye contact with her as she walked off the porch to her car.

She sat down and closed her door, pressing her forehead on the steering wheel contemplating her decision. Y/N gathered herself and started the car and backed out of the driveway. She started driving down the main street and got one last glance in the rear view mirror of Kai's house where Kai was seen standing on the porch. She turned the corner and he was out of sight.

Kai saw the car turn and he took a deep breath. There she went, his love, his queen, and his sanity. He stayed facing the same direction but he pulled a pistol out of his waistband and shot Gutterball without even looking.

He fell immediately to the ground and died after only a few seconds.

Kai dropped the gun on the porch, having not changed his cold facial expression the whole time and walked back inside closing the door.

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