Chapter VII

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Kai and Y/N had been an official couple for about 3 weeks now and they were both truly head over heels in love with one another. It's strange to think she could fall in love with a crazy cult leader that kidnapped her but it felt like something was drawing her toward him. Something she wasn't strong enough to stop.

"Now, I've gathered all of you here to celebrate our rally today. A little pre-party. Without you all and your loyalty, I would've never been elevated to this stage. I appreciate each and every one of you and your dedication to me and my cause. This rally today will get everyone's attention. I can feel it." Kai gave his small speech.

"I'm glad we could help Kai." Y/N smiled up at him proudly.

"Hey, has anyone seen Meadow? She wasn't at the last meeting either." Ivy interrupted.

"She went to visit some old friends, she should be back soon." Harrison answered with suspicion in his voice.

Y/N just furrowed her eyebrows.

Kai inhaled before speaking, "I'm sure Meadow is perfectly fine, we will be reunited with our sister soon. I will see you all at the rally in a few hours, you're dismissed." Kai gestured for everyone to exit.

"I can't wait for the rally. You're gonna do great, you always do." Y/N pulled his large frame into a hug.

"You have no idea how thankful I am to have you by my side. You are my motivation to keep persevering and to wake up each and every day, Y/N." He smiled down at her.

"And you're mine." She pulled him in by his shirt gently so he knew to bring his face down to meet her's and she planted a simple kiss on his lips.

"Help me pick out a tie?" He offered.

"Of course." She took his large hand in her's and he led her up the stairs to his room.

---time skip---

Y/N stood off to the side of the stage as Kai started the rally. The turnout was amazing and Kai looked very professional and determined. She had the biggest smile plastered on her face as she watched her man in awe. She was so focused on him it seemed as if everyone else had disappeared.

He turned around slowly to meet Y/N's gaze and mouthed what looked like, "I love you".

She began to say it back but a gunshot erupted from the audience and Kai fell to the floor immediately.

Meadow stood in the very front with a pistol in-hand.

She turned around and shot a few innocent people who were in the audience

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She turned around and shot a few innocent people who were in the audience. Ally wrestled Meadow for the gun and then Meadow turned it on herself and pulled the trigger.

Everything happened so fast and Y/N was in shock. She ran to Kai's side and placed his head in her lap. "No no no no no no, Kai? Kai no. No this can't be-

Sirens came hurtling towards the rally and cops ran up to the stage yelling at Ally who was now holding the gun. She dropped it and they handcuffed her to take her away. Paramedics raced over to Kai.

"Is-i-is he gonna be okay?" Y/N's voice trembled.

"I'm not sure Ma'am, we have to take him in." One of the men answered.

"Please, let me sit in the back with him." She begged.

"Are you a relative?" He asked.

"G-girlfriend." She stated.

"Fine. But we need room to work and stop the bleeding." The man explained.

"That's fine, I'll stay out of the way I promise." The others had already wheeled him away and Y/N ran over and into the ambulance.

---time skip---

Y/N waited for almost two hours for Kai to come out of surgery and she was finally let into his recovery room.

She slowly approached the bed hoping he was alright.

"Y/N, hey." Kai's voice was a bit dry.

She didn't respond and she just hugged him immediately.

Kai rested his hand on her back, "it's okay, I'm alright, don't worry."

She sniffled while her face was pressed into his chest.

He felt her tears soaking through his hospital gown. "C'mon, stop that, look, I'm here, I'm okay, no need to cry." He said in his calming voice.

She lifted her head up with makeup running down her face. "It's not okay, Kai. You were shot. And might I add, by one of your own!"

"Sit." Is all he said.

She shot him a confused look and cautiously took a seat next to his bed.

Kai took both of her hands in his, "Y/N, I planned the whole thing." His evil smile appeared on his tired face.

Y/N retracted her hands and stood up quickly. "You what?" She raised her voice to a stern tone but not quite yelling.

"Baby, baby, sit, please." Kai's smile left and was replaced with worry wondering what her reaction might be.

She gave him a cold expression and clenched her jaw. She eventually lowered herself back into the chair and crossed her arms. "Explain."

"I had to get the nation's attention. I had to do something crazy to put their eyes on me. This little town can't be the only one to see me in order to take over the world. I needed the country to see me and next, the entire planet." He spoke in his passionate whisper voice as he elaborated.

"Meadow did this on purpose?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I convinced her to do it. But, I had no idea she would turn the gun on herself. That I did not plan, I promise you. She was just too weak, there is nothing I can do about that." Kai went on.

"How could you convince her to do such a crazy thing? Money? What?" Y/N still couldn't wrap her head around this.

"She was in love with me, Y/N. She was easy to persuade." Kai's facial expression hadn't changed.

"I- I had no idea. But why would the whole country pay attention to this?" She shook her head.

"We're a christian country, everybody loves a resurrection."

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