Chapter I (Unedited)

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To begin this tale I must tell you that I don't think of myself as anything special, I don't believe my life and my story are unique, matter of fact I think it's quite boring, though I experienced new things, things that maybe made my condition more unique to others, still, I don't think it was anything that made me different, I think I was just born different, that my story was just that, I was different, no special. That is how I see it, maybe I'm wrong, if that's the case, well... So be it.

It was another day that I had crawled out of bed, another day completely, just another boring old day. A new city, new town, and new school, which means many things for me, but the foremost was... Well, new friends, if I made any this time. Now the reason this was not unique was my parents profession, my father was a high ranking officer in the military and my mother a bureaucrat which apparently was so secretive I could not know anything of it, didn't matter though, I never saw them enough to ask. Now look, I don't hate them, but how can I? I didn't know them. Still, unlike the other times I had been placed in a new house in the middle of nowhere was that I no longer had a caretaker, originally my aunt Leticia was my caretaker, nanny, or babysitter, what ever one could call it, but no longer. Leticia was pursuing her education on a university campus somewhere in Virginia, it made sense she couldn't come with me all the way to Oregon. I was sixteen after all, I could take care of myself, my parents did leave me a stipend to buy groceries and upkeep the house. I could take care of myself.

Nonetheless I crawled out of bed, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was average looking, at least I thought so, not too tall, not too short, I wasn't built, though I wasn't scrawny, maybe a little chubby, but who wasn't? I wasn't ugly, though I couldn't call myself handsome either. My skin was darker than most in this area though, my father was Hispanic after all, though I wasn't as dark as him, that was thanks to my mother being primarily of European heritage. My hair though was just a curly, oily, jet black mess, I had no facial hair, and well light brown eyes. I sighed and pulled off my pajamas which was a t-shirt and shorts, I pulled on my clothes. A t-shirt, a gray hoodie, jeans, and my hiking boots, I didn't like tennis shoes that much after all.

I then looked around my room and well my house. I lived in the suburbs of the town of North Bend, a town near the dead center of Oregon, there were a few plains and country style farmland, but the sheer majority was forests and woodlands, pines and oaks. Nonetheless back to my house. I lived in a three bedroom home, it was sparse since I moved in last week. The walls were a painfully bland gray, the floor was all carpet except for the two restrooms and kitchen, they had white tile, there was a hallway that had all three bedrooms, it lead to the living room that connected to the kitchen and had the front door in it, the kitchen had a sliding door that lead to a small patio area and beyond that was just forest and trees, the kitchen likewise had a door leading to the garage. Now for decorations there was only the necessities in the whole house, a dining table, a couch, a television, two beds, one in the master one in my room, three desks, one in every bedroom, and that was it. My room was slightly less bland. In my room I had my desk, my computer, a small bookshelf with all my books on it, because guess what, I liked to read, on my nightstand was a lamp, and hanging above my door was a cross, I wasn't really religious, barely Christian, but my aunt Leticia was very Catholic and she gave it to me as a gift, that was why I kept it up. There was also a picture of me and my aunt Leticia on my nightstand, I didn't have any with my parents, and I had no siblings either so none of them. Anyways as I was saying I didn't have much going on for me at home, it was bland.

I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a plate of eggs and toast, an orange on the side. I ate, then I washed all my dishes and with that said I then sat on my couch and looked over my phone. I looked at my schedule and what time class started, my first class, which was AP U.S. History began at eight A.M. So I had an hour to kill. Needless to say I decided to just leave and walk to school, it was the first day, better the first in an empty room than late. For that note I didn't ride my bike to school because I didn't know how to ride one, Leticia tried to teach me, but that didn't go over very well, I was a stubborn student and well, only now did I regret it. See I lived pretty far from the school, not far enough to get a bus, but close enough to take twenty minutes on a walk.

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