Chapter III (Unedited)

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Much time had passed since the violence that left me both shaken and confused, but not fearful, which was odd considering I was a victim of such an attack. School had been put off for nearly a month following the attack, mostly due to rightly paranoid parents wanting to make sure that no more attacks actually happened, with that said it was still a sore topic that was rarely brought up at my home. So much had happened, so much was buzzing through my mind, and well physical therapy as well as normal therapy were a treat in this one month period of no school. High school felt so far from me now, everything before the attack for matter of fact felt distant... Felt foreign... Felt apart from me and this was very, may I add, very disorientating. Nonetheless this broad exposition was no longer a matter of import to me as I was soon enough leaving my thoughts be.

On this day my mother and father had gone out to gather food to cook, my father wishing to adapt a more suburban dad approach to life, was going to make steaks on the grill despite my reasoning and urging that making steaks in a pan with butter was a much smarter, better, wiser, and generally better tasting decision, but I was just a teenager that lived alone for almost half a year, what would I know though? Nonetheless they were gone and here I was at home and trying to gather my bearings before school was to start in a few days. The decision to resume the school year was a tenuous one at best, though eventually the school board had made a decision, though of course more officers were at hand and we knew that school would be cancelled at the drop of a hat if a threat was made again, as such I felt some poorly natured pranksters would take advantage of this tense situation. Now finally that the exposition was over I was at home and heard a ring on my doorbell and to my surprise it wasn't my normal guests. It was Anna, the girl who I knew, but had never formally become acquainted with, which was odd considering that Nate, Mary, and Harry were such good friends with her.

Anna was a short girl, she had wildly curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, was on the heavier end, and a very sweet and cute smile. She wore a very colorful wool hoodie, an interesting charm necklace, light green jeans that were rolled up to just below her knees, and blue converses. She had on likewise a handful of very peculiar accessories. She was a quirky and very happy girl, extremely innocent and understanding and to my knowledge the object of Nate's affections. I myself was still dressed rather lazily with a tanktop of an unspecified color and black basketball shorts along with sandals.

"Hello... What brings you by... without a heads up at that." I began, raising a brow and trying to make this as clear and obvious as I possibly could while likewise being as polite as possible. Nonetheless I opened the door more and led her inside.

"Hi! Sorry about that I was well... In the area seeing a friend and thought I'd say hello to you. Mary and Nate talked a lot about you and I wanted to get to know you better! Oh, thanks for letting me in." She continued and came inside, soon enough her brown eyes examining the house which had moved from my sparse and minimalistic design to more standardly suburban and cozy, sometimes when I was very groggy when I woke up I would forget my parents were home now and panic at not recognizing the house.

"I see... That doesn't explain why I didn't get a heads up." I said, rather bluntly as of now.

"Oh! I got a new phone and I didn't have your number to begin with..." She said with flushed cheeks and averted her gaze from me, her smile taking on a nervous look to it as she was rather evidently embarrassed.

"So I'm gonna just assume you didn't ask anyone for my number...?" I asked with a tilted head, deciding I was going to tease her a bit more. Shrugging my shoulders I soon enough gave up the line of questioning by saying. "Don't worry about it, just give me a bit to get cleaned up, okay?" I soon enough went and did as I said.

"Is it me or are you a very sassy person?" She responded, her flustered nature dying down not long after, upon my return. To this I once again shrugged my shoulders and soon enough she began to speak again. "Anyways so how have you been during the break?" She inquired of me and smiled broadly.

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