XII-The Damsels in Distress

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Just when her reign was in peril

Just when she hath raised her club

There had to be a maniac on lose

Threatening the Kingdom

The killings everywhere were of no help

All they did was to raise more rebellion 

The same people who begged for their lives

The very same lips that delivered harsh screams of agony

Were now demanding freedoms

Were now openly throwing insults at her

The Tyrant couldn't bear it all

She was becoming restless.

The Maniac was too reckless.


Sitting on the rock

She couldn't help but fidget 

The news about the Maniac has reached her ears

The news spread like plague

It spread like pest in a healthy field

And now the Paladin worried

When she saw the Warrior she scurried

Over to him, to greet him as he came from the town

She was breathless.

He looked at her with a straight face

'I heard about the Maniac'

She gave away


His voice rang through the silent surroundings

'I've had an encounter with him today

And he is worse than the whispers described

Absolutely ruthless

A cent percent mindless

The Warrior's words have not soothed her heart

Nor did they quench her worries


Both the ladies fidgeted in their worries

They were damsels in distress, sure

But they weren't the ones to wait

For their knight in shining armor to arrive

They were their own knights

They were their own survivors.

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