The Sponsor Gift

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I'ts been over a day since a followed Katniss to where she found Peeta. Two days ago she said that she would come back to me, I'm now glad that I have followed her here.

I've decided to pretend that I have just come looking for her because she didn't show up yesterday. I back track about 50 yards into the woods and then start walking towards the river. I see Katniss and run over to her. "Katniss!" I say excitedly. "I was worried abut you when you didn't come back yesterday! What have you been d-" I'm interrupted by the sight of Peeta up close, he has blood poisoning.

Katniss grabs me and hugs me tightly. "I'm terribly sorry Rue! I had to help Peeta." She tells me. "I understand" Is all i manage to say. "But Katniss..." My voice trails off. "Katniss, come here for a sec." We walk over to the forest and I tell her; "Katniss, I'm terribly sorry. Peeta... he has blood poisoning." "I know Rue. I don't have the medicine to treat it and at this point in the games the cost of a sponsor gift like that would be unimaginable. " "I-" I'm cut off again, but this time by Claudius Templesmith.

His voice booms loud over the entire arena, "Each one of you has something that they desperately need. We have decided to be genorous Game Makers and have what you need in a backpack labled with your district's number. This 'feast' will be heald at the conucopia at noon tomorrow, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

He ends his message and a hear Peeta call Katniss's name. "Katniss. Katniss you can't go. I wont let you! If you left you'de be killed in a mater of minutes at that feast! Please, don't leave me." He tells her. By now we had waked over to where Peeta is sitting in the water. "okay, I wont go." Katniss says. She hugs him then I hear it, I small beeping. Katniss must hear it too - I don't think Peeta does because he makes no notice of it - and we go in the general direction after telling Peeta "We'll be right back." and Katniss kisses him lightly.

I find it and say in a hushed voice "Katniss I found it, it's a gift from a sponsor! looks like a vile of... liquid, maybe medicine." Katniss rushes over as I take the lid of and smell it. I instantly feel dizzy. Katniss sees this and smells it herself and then to my surprise actually touches her finger to it and taste it!. She sees my confused expression and says "It's sleep syrup, my mother used the stuff back home." We walk back to the river and Katniss acts like the whole sponsor girt thing had never happened.

"What was that about?" Peeta asks weakly. "Just an animal. Ran off before we saw it." Katniss says before I even have time to open my mouth. "Okay." Peeta says, then embraces Katniss. Something's wrong. Why wouldn't Katniss tell Peeta that we had gotten a sponsor gift? Or even mention it to me again?

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