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Minji POV

"Suck it like it's Yoongi's dick"

I turned towards the voice to find Hoseok choking on a clam while Jin looked at him with an evil glint in his eye.

"What about Yoongi's dick?" I inquire, as I slide myself into the seat next to the younger man.

Two pairs of eyes swivel in my direction, surprise painting their faces.

"Oh nothing, I was just explaining to Hobi how to properly suck the meat out of a clam." Jin replies, a smirk on his face.

"Hyung, why did you have to be so loud though!?" Hobi's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Why are you getting so worked up? Everyone knows you'd love to suck Yoongi's dick"

He was as red as a tomato at this point, "I never said that."

Jin smirked before responding.

I tuned out their bickering to check my phone, I hadn't opened my messages since I left home. Which was hours ago, because I had to pick up some documents before coming here.

I unlock my phone to find unopened messages from two people.

bitch from another witch:
remember to bring home someone tonight
preferably taehyung
or maybe go to his house
if you do, bring me one of his Gucci bags
he wouldn't notice if one went missing

sister from another mister:
not happening, you idiot
as if he'd bring me home, let alone talk to me in a civil way

Letting out a sigh at Hyejin's stupidity, I opened the other messages.

got no jams:
hey, are you coming tonight?
btw i heard about your date, i'm sorry
i know tae can be a jerk sometimes

yeah, i just got here
don't be sorry, he wasn't my type anyways
i assuming you're going to be arriving fashionably late?

Scoffing, I shove my phone into my purse. Of course Taehyung told Jimin about today's little mishap. He tells him everything, I wouldn't be surprised if he told Jimin his dick size. Not that I care about his dick. Or it's size.

One by one, all the staff trickle in, along with their dates.

"Hey Minji, i didn't know you were going to come." Haruka Ichiha sits himself into the seat next to me.

"Not by choice. But I thought you weren't coming either, didn't Sakura's nanny go on vacation?" Haruka was a single dad who had moved to Korea after his wife left him, he was left all alone to take care of his adorable four year old daughter, Sakura.

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