old faces

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"Hello, Mrs

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"Hello, Mrs. Wheeler"

My heart was practically pumping out of my chest as the woman at the door had a pleasant but confused look painting her features. Her eyes glided from Hopper to myself, who was partially hid behind the chief. The last time I saw her was the night the group found out about my 'special abilities'.

Her eyes lit up seeing me, and she proceeded to pull me into a bone crushing hug. I sent a scary look towards Hopper and he looked to not know what to do. She pulled away from the hug, but grasped my upper arms "oh, I-I thought you didn't make it in that horrid house fire. That's what your uncle told everyone" her voice broke at the recollection.

My eyebrows furrowed at her statement he told people I died? I nodded slowly, as she spoke. I wonder if the group thought I really died too, or if they thought it was another Will situation. Mrs. Wheeler broke me out of my thoughts.

"So Hopper, Y/n. What brings you here?" I looked at Hopper, wondering the same thing. He stood tall and kept a straight 'Hopper' face "I thought the kids would like to see Y/n made it" I don't really think they would want to see me at this point in time, maybe a thousand light years later.

Mrs. Wheeler nodded her head, a bright smile on her face as she stepped out of the way and held the door open for us to walk through. She was always so nice, sometime too nice for her own good. I mean that's what lead her to have a short rendezvous with Billy, isn't it. A lonely house wife finds comfort in a much younger boy, that's how it usually goes.

The smell of a fresh family home hit me in the face immediately, make my stomach earn for the exact same feeling when I would step through the door of my now burned down house. The memories of what could've been, and most importantly, what didn't have to be.

Hopper must have sensed the changed of emotion in the air, as he clasped my shoulder with his almost soothing hand. I sent him a twitch of a smile so he wouldn't have to worry about me. I've learned from years of being in my house hold that the real world doesn't care how you feel or what you've been through, because plenty of people have been through the same thing that it become almost normal. Expected even.

Hopper excused us from our conversation with Karen and lead the way to the door of the basement. He looked back at me to reassure me that he was with me. Grasping my shaky hand around the golden doorknob, my heart thumping in my throat. They didn't want to see me. How could they want to after what I said, and the whole incident the last time I was caught in the basement.

Twisting the knob the door creaked open, loud talking could be heard from down the stairs. My hands became sweaty. I bit my lip, nervously and looked up at Hopper. Is it to late to turn around, go back to the woods and forget any of this even happened. I know it's a long shot, but I just had to not get found again, maybe i could go through with my original plan, like last time.

"You can do this, go on" Hopper rubbed my shoulder, giving me a nudge towards the stairs. My heart was in my throat at this point, making it hard to breath or talk. What if seeing the group gets them nowhere like last time, with more questions than answers. The thought made my head throb in a spinning mess.

Taking a step down the stairs, you could hear the silent creak of the loose piece of wood. The voices over lapped and were to wrapped up in their arguing to pay attention to a quiet creak. They always did know how to ignore the sounds from the unknown. A twitch of a smile played at my lips thinking of old memories from our earlier years, even when troy started calling us 'the freak show' and would always call me cry baby.

I furrowed my brows at the boy, but stifled a laugh at the memory of him peeing his pants in the gym infront of the whole student body. El really did scare the piss out of him. My stomach rumbled as I tried to hold in a fit of laughter. I really do miss them with memories like that, and after that incident we all couldn't stop laughing, to the point where we were grasping at our stomachs, doubled over in painful laughter and tears pricked at the corners of our eyes.

Taking slow gradual steps, Hopper followed behind me, keeping quiet. We didn't want to startle the group into silence. They seemed to be having a hushed argument about god knows what, they were talking over each other too much to understand the topic of conversation.

"I just don't understand how we could do it" Mike chimed, exasperated "even if we can't-" Max began, getting cut off by Lucas "-we have to try, right?" I could feel him rolling his eyes at the thought of anyone second guessing him.

"Guys, yes, if she's still alive; if it is another Will situation, we have to try. What kind of friends would we be?" Dustin's voice broke halfway through his sentence. My heart shattered hearing him in great desolation. I grew questionable at who they could be talking about.

"But, she said she doesn't want to be our friends" Lucas countered his own thoughts outloud "what if she had a reason" Dustin sounded like he's been in agony with the same sentence coming out, more than it should have to. The room fell quiet for a few seconds before a new voice spoke up "a good reason" Will almost mumbled, sounding to be talking to himself.

"Yea, Will and I were with Steve when he went to see her at her house, like a month or two ago. When he got back in the car he seemed pissed; gripping the steering wheel, an angry face, all the works" my heart stopped at the realization, albeit a late one. They were talking about me.

"Something happened.." Dustin trailed off "that she didn't wanting us to know. Maybe about her home life" he was trying to put the pieces together in his head. I was two steps away from being at the bottom, Hopper was feeding into the conversation as well, taking quick glances at my figure.

Making it to the bottom of the steps, I cleared my throat, every head in the room turned towards me. Wide eyes filled the room and a chilling silence enveloped the room. I grew nervous with all the eyes on me, maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea. I mean, my throat is growing dry and my hands are becoming shaky.

So here I am, standing in the basement of the Wheeler's, wearing nothing but a large sweatshirt and lounging shorts. Facing my childhood friend group.

With a nervous smile and sweaty palms, I gave an awkward wave and spoke "uh, hi guys..." I dragged out.

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