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So I might change the love interest to Steve because he shows more love in his fingertip than Mike does in his whole body😃 but you guys let me know your final answers or if you have anyone else in mind as a love interest/or a chosen OC to add to the story.


In a dash, I was running towards Steve, wrapping my arms around his waist and digging my face into his chest, quietly sobbing. My tears soaked a wet patch into his shirt. He held onto me for dear life. For example, if he let me go, I would be taken away again.


My grip only tightened on Steve as he subtly swayed us back and forth. The abundance of hair spray and fresh shower musk that engulfed him was overbearing but gratefully welcomed. I missed that smell and his stupid hair. His cocky attitude and post-'king steve' persona, as if it were to have just vanished, was a great comfort. The fibers of his navy blue sweater were bunched and leaking in clumps through my fingers.

Pulling away, I couldn't take my eyes off of his and how I missed being in his company. His flushed checks and glistening eyes showed that he most likely just got done crying. He smiled, the same lopsided smile he's always had. "I missed you so much," he gripped onto my shoulders before pulling me back into a bone crushing hug.

Hopper cleared his throat, breaking the overwhelming silence filling the room like unbearable smoke clouds forcefully sucked into an asthmatic persons lungs. I wiped my eyes with the palm of my hands, punching Steve's shoulder at how much of a softy he's being. I took a big breath and faced my old friends. "I didn't mean it." It came out a faint whisper, barely registered with the surrounding ears.

"You didn't mean it?" Lucas asked, folding his arms. I shook my head abrasively. He raised an eyebrow, expecting an explanation in the next words to leave my mouth. I scratched the back of my neck, embarrassed at being put in the spotlight, just relishing the feeling that the forest gave me. Loneliness. Freedom. Unwavering Privacy.

But it also left me alone. It was quiet. The quiet wasn't good for a running mind like mine that hasn't been able to think leading up to the moment. It tore at every fiber of my being. The memory. The feeling of selfishness. The 'what ifs' ran through my brain. The doubt in myself. I second guessed everything that happened to me. I could've stopped it. The thought crawled at my brain 24/7. Even in my sleep, if I abeled myself the luxury. My dreams. Every single one was about the control I had lost. Not only in that night but the times before and after, I couldn't have control of anything in my life.

The one time I did, I still messed it up. Maybe I'm just not meant to be here. A glitch. A break, a tear in the universe that set a chain reaction of events. The butterfly effect as Mr. Clark calls it. My mere presence sent the universe into a frenzy to try and make things collectively right again. I'm trying to kick me down every chance it got. I hope that this time will be my final.

Life has a funny way of doing that to you. 'fate' brings two naive morons together in a night of 'passions' and one night stands only to receive the punishment of a lifetime in a time span of nine months. Out of wedlock. Conception out of lust. I was set up as the towns pariah. 'A bastard child with a homely mother' they called me. Until my mother left to find a greater meaning in life. I was left alone with nothing but an old tattered 'the Jetsons' backpack filled with one pair of poorly matched clothes and my Pebble Flintstone toothbrush. Left on the doorstep of my uncle's run-down trailer home. The reckoning of my life began in that very moment my cry reached the doctor's ears.

It was all surreal in this moment that I was set up by the universe itself with no abiding God spoken to save the damned, so pationately. I'm just alone, trying to stay alive in this sinking boat. I was to believe it would deliver me into my 'promising future' as tone deaf adults would say wavering off my concerns and questions on how I'm supposed to make it in this desolate world they so passionately grant access to when they "feel" we are grown enough to inhabit.

Not that they enjoy it anymore than we do. working an excruciating 9 to 5 and coming home to a lack luster family, gathering around the table for supper and going to bed only to repeat the same somber cycle when they next wake.

"I didn't mean what I said to Nancy about you guys.." I mumbled, coming out of my stupor. I had to force my knawing anxiety down to be able to keep eye contact with Lucas. My eyes shifted side to side between his eyes as I grasped at my tattered t-shirt. Lucas lifted his chin as if to be in thought, "Then why did you say it?" Dustin piped up, furrowing his brows. I was pulling and twisting at my fingers out of nervousness at the question.

Do I tell them? What if they don't believe me? What if they shun me again and tell the whole school about how much of a liar I am? What if I get taken from them? What if I have to go back? A multitude of questions contained my thoughts. I glanced around to everyone and came in contact with Eleven. She was staring right back and had a raised eyebrow and wide-eyed expression, like she had known something.

I squinted my eyes at the bright light beating down on me from the basement ceiling. The dangling light had never protruded my vision before, but this time, it felt as if it was the sun, I felt my hands become clammy. I could feel the droplets of sweat forming on the side of my temples. I sighed loudly and looked at the group gathered around in a broken circle, who had been awaiting my answer.

"I was scared," I mumbled, scratching the back of my head. "I had just found out about this new power, and I felt like you guys would drop me...I mean remember how you guys reacted to El?" I waved my hand over Lucas and Eleven. It was a lie. But the best I could come up with at the point, " I didn't want you guys to get rid of me first. I wanted to be ahead, so.. it would hurt less, and I ended up messing up everything. " My eyes became blurry, as I could feel the wet tears poke at my bottom eyelashes.

I blinked them away fast and stood still, expecting to get yelled at and kicked out, but I felt arms wrap around me. My hair flew around with the motion, and I stumbled back. My eyes widened at the sudden squeeze. Lucas was hugging me. It was one of those never before seen type of things that made everyone in the room think that they were hallucinating.

Lucas Sinclair is showing affection. No. Maybe to Max. But never anyone else. I guess he had really missed me being around. After the previous shock, I wrapped my shakey arms around his neck and stuffed my face into his neck. I was shaking with overwhelming feelings of guilt and sadness. I let out silent tears. I was happening to be home and safe, for the time being. I wouldn't know when he would come back for revenge, but the only thing I knew at this moment.

I was with my friends again.

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