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Recap from last chapter

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Recap from last chapter

Running out I saw it was night shit, how long was I down there? He's gonna kill me running my way home, I tried to come up with an explanation for what just happened, I couldn't come up with anything that made sense. But I knew one thing for certain, that's not the last time the group would try to talk to me.


An announcement before you read this chapter: this will contain talk and mention of sexual assault and PTSD.

This takes place almost a month after the last chapter.

Staring at the ceiling, the deathly feeling of numbness over took my body. I wanted to cry, scream, throw anything I could get my hands on, crawl up into a ball and cry my hearts content out. But in this very moment I just feel numb, the kinda numb when you want to cry so hard but, you cant physically bring yourself to tears, you are just to emotionally empty.

Everything that I've ever built, everything I worked so hard to get, is falling apart around me one after the other. Pile on the fact that I just figured out that I had some type of powers. When I get worked up, an object would combust or the lights would flicker harshly, at some occurrences the bulbs of every light in the house would burst or be blown.

The confusion gave me migraines whenever I try to think of how I could have gotten these acquired traits. I didn't know of anyone who could have passed them down to me, but I didn't know who my parents were. A lot of people in town knew them before they left, and brought them up, to my dismay.

While My brain racked any idea to how this could have happened, I heard a rhythmic knocking on my front door. Before I could process the thought of a visitor, as it wasn't normal, I could hear my uncle stomp towards the door and swing it open.

I could hear the jumbled and slurred mumbles of my intoxicated uncle through door and another, quieter voice. Slowly walking to the door I put my ear to the door "as I was saying, is y/n here by chance?" The voice sounded too familiar to have slipped through my brain.


Why was he here? "Why would you want to know, boy? What do you want with the little whore?" The grumble came out barely coherent, but somehow, I could understand it fully. Maybe it was one of the powers? I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.

"Uhh, I'm a friend. I just wanted to see her" Steve dragged out his sentences awkwardly. My heart beat picked up at the pause of silence "you trying to sleep with her, boy?" My heart pounded against my chest, causing a burning sensation to travel through my body.

"No, she's like a sister to me, that's disgusting" steve put a strong emphasis on 'disgusting'. My uncle chuckled, sending a shocking shiver to overtake my body, the lights above me started flickering.

"Even if you were, you're a little too late if you wanted to take her first" my heart dropped deep into my feet, my hands began shaking and a surge of heat travelled through my arm, lighting up my veins along the way. I jumped back, let go of the doorknob that felt like I put my hand on a burning fire.

"Uhh, what do you mean by that?" Steves voice grew at the question. a darkness seeped into the air as a low chuckle could be heard from my uncle. A long pause caused my breathe to hitch in my throat harshly "what the fuck did you do to her, you sick fuck?" He was nearly screaming in anger.

After a little shuffling and tussling my uncle's voice dripped with venom "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, now" the door was slammed before I heard a reply. After moments a car revved their engine and backed out of my large downhill driveway.

Walking over to the window, I caught a glimpse of Steve and 2 other people in Steve's car drive off angrily. A sickening feeling washed over me at the feeling of a presence outside my door. Turning slowly I saw my door open and my uncle standing at the entrance.

"Why did that boy show up at my house, y/n?" his voice dripped with black venom "I don't know, I promise. I haven't talked to them" I shook my head vigorously. He stepped through the barricade of protection, and made his way over to me in a hurry.

He picked me up by my hair, like that night. Memories came rushing back all at once in flashes. The hands violating my body, their harsh hand violating my tender, sensitive skin, the movement made to rip my panties to my ankles and my dress being pushed up harshly. All the thoughts that haunted my nightmares.

I was pulled ot of my thoughts by my uncle screaming "WHY DO YOU NOT LISTEN TO ME, WHORE" he pulled me flush against his body, the rancid smell of alcohol on his breath caused a harsh churning to build up in my stomach.

He smashed my head into the window, leaving a gapping whole, and the glass shattering loudly. My sight grew hazy, grabbing at the throbbing area on my head, I felt an oozing wetness make it's way down the side of my face. Pulling my hand away, it was coated in a deep red color.

"Serves you right to bring men into my house, filthy slut" a surge of energy shocked my body. I felt it building up in my hands and seep into my eyes. Turning to my uncle, slowly standing. His bloodshot eyes widened at the sight.

"What the fuck is wrong with your eyes, freak" I raised an eyebrow at him. His body coward backwards "what, are you scared, you filthy old drunk?" my hands became hot to the touch, I tightened my fist into themselves.

He stood high even with fear swimming through his beady eyes "go ahead, hurt me, punch me, kick me, rape me" my voice raised, giving off the sound of using a bullhorn. Tears pricked at the side of my eyes "your a freak, that's why your parents left you"

Fire ignited from my hands and enveloped the room faster than you can say 'light'. my uncle tried to run out but I picked up my dresser and threw it at him, he grew limp on the ground. I slowly walked over to him, bending down to take his pulse.

It was a faint, dying beat, soon it would be nothing. Standing up over his body, my head cocked upwards and looked around the enflamed room. Quickly grabbing the packed bag under my bed I made when I was younger if I were to ever run away.

Running out of the house, I looked back to see the fire traveled angrily through nearly the whole house. Running into the forest behind my house, an anxious feeling building up in my chest. Looking up I caught the moon slowly rising, nearly over the horizon. I didn't know what I was gonna do now, but I needed to find a place to sleep.

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