Chapter 1

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Darkness. It's all I can see. Wait, can you see darkness? I'm not sure. Come to think of it, I'm not sure of anything. I stand up slowly, a dull pain constantly throbbing in the back of my head. I look around in a hopeless attempt to see my surroundings. Nothing.

With my arms held out in front of me like some kind of weird zombie, I walk forward. After about three steps my hand hit something. Cool metal. Keeping my hand in the wall I walk to my left.

A box. I'm in a small, metal box. I sit down and draw my knees to my chest. Yep, just chillin out in me box. I have little to no sense of time but after what must be about ten minutes the box shudders.

A piercing screech fills the air. Slowly, with much noise, the box begins to rise. I jump to my feet, nearly face planting in the process, and struggle to gain my balance.

With a hand on the wall to steady my self I pound on the walls. Screaming. Screaming louder than ever before in my life. I think. I can't remember my life before. I can't remember anything. My earliest memory is waking up in this box.

But I can't think about this now. I need to get out of this box. I'm not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about what will greet me when the box opens. If it opens.

What if it doesn't. What if I'm trapped in here forever. What if I die in this box. No. I can't think that way. I need to calm down. Breathe. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Ha, I sound like a yoga teacher. Funny though, I can't remember if I've ever done yoga or how to do it, but I remember the word and what it means.

The box continues to move steadily up with the occasional grinding of metal. I think it's been around twenty minutes since I woke up but I'm tired somehow. I mustn't of actually been asleep. Drugged maybe.

But who drugged me then? Who drugged me, put me in this box and took away my memories. I dont know much, but I do know that I want revenge. I want revenge on whoever put me in this box.

Just as I begin to come up with a plan ( seriously though there are so many flaws in the plan it would never work), the box stops. I don't know what to do. Looking around, nothing seems any different. I look up and notice for the first time a small sliver of light.

The sliver gets bigger as a loud grinding sound fills the air. Soon a gap of about two metres opens above my head. Sky. Blue, cloudless sky is all I can see. That is, until several heads appear around the edges of the whole.

Edgy chatter fills the air.
"What's he look like?"
" Just another shank ain't it?"
"Let's make him a slicer aye. We need another one."
The chatter continues as I begin to make out the faces. Boys. All of them. Young, teenage boys. I don't know what I expected but that surprises me.

One loud voice rises above the others.
"Oi! You lot! Outta the way!" A tall dark skinned boy of around 17 looks down. He mustn't be able to see me because he calls to someone else.
"Hey Newt! Get your lazy arse over here and help the poor shank outta the damn box."

A good looking boy of about 16 appears. He's got wavy golden hair and although he appears younger than the first boy, he's a few inches taller. He wears a short sleeved, cream hoodie that shows of his slender, yet strong build. Crouching, he lowers himself into box.

I only now realise that I've backed myself into the corner. Smiling, the boy looks around for me. Our eyes meet and his cute smirk is replaced with an ever cuter frown.
"Hey Alby?" He calls.
The dark boy replies:
"Yeah Newt?"
"It's a girl."

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