Chapter 13

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She paced in front of the long, white table, her associates could practically see steam coming from her ears. The woman stopped abruptly, placing her hands on the table and looking at each of her associates in turn.
"Whose idea was it, to create the dreams?" Her voice demanded respect and not one hair was out of place in her immaculate blonde bun.
"Well don't all speak at once! Who was it?" Her voice dropped into a surprisingly calm tone.
"I need an answer."
At the end of the table, on the left, a middle aged man with grey hair raised his hand.
"Ava, I don't believe it matters who suggested it. We all know now that the dreams didn't work how we wanted them to." Ava nodded in agreement, seeming to calm slightly.
"And can anyone remember what the dreams were supposed to do?" Again the middle aged man raised his hand.
"Go ahead Janson."
"Well, the aim of the first dream was to remind the girl, give her a slight memory of what happened before the maze. To confuse her, but enforce that WICKED is good. The second dream was to drive her away from subject A5. To connect her with Thomas, like the variables planned for. However, none of that worked. If anything subject A13 is closer than ever to subject A5." Janson leaned back in his chair, a rat like grin spread across his face.
Ava smiles slightly, glad someone had been paying attention.
"Thank you Janson. Now, does anyone have any ideas on what to do next? How can we drive subject A13 away from A5 as well as lead her back to our side, back to WICKED?" Ava stared out at the empty faces, her moment of joy gone. She sighed and returned to pacing at the head of the table.
"Our goal, is to set subject A13 up with subject A2, the one they call Thomas. Doing this is a crucial part of completing the maze trials. Without it the variables won't play out correctly and we will be no closer to a cure than we were at the start. Do you all understand?" Everyone at the table nods their heads.
"Well then, who has an idea on how we could possibly fix this? The fate of the world may depend on the maze trials so its crucial that they work." Ava lowers herself into her chair at the head of the table, all the while her eyes searching for an answer.
"I might have a suggestion." A young girl with a tight brown bun and a matching white lab coat to everyone else's speaks.
Ava nods her head, a signal to carry on.
"I say we continue with the dreams. They haven't worked so far, but I think that's because we haven't sent the right images yet. I could get a team to start working on that right away but I don't think it will be enough."
"Thank you Teresa, you may as well try. Does anyone have any other ideas?" The ratman, Janson, raise his hand once more. Suck up. Ava thinks to herself.
"Miss Paige, if you'll allow," He pauses, waiting for her approval. Ava nods her head and Janson continues.
"I think we need to go bigger. Bigger than some dreams, bigger than restoring some memories. I think we physically need to enforce our plan." The ratman pauses for effect.
"So, what do you suggest?" Ava asks, sure his plan will be entirely useless.
"I think we need a new subject. Another immune, who knows the plan, knows how the glade works. Someone entirely dedicated to WICKED and our mission. We can use them to distract subject A5 as well as help to set up subject A13 with A2. Once that's done and A13 is completely loyal to WICKED the rest of the variables will be able to play out as planned." The room goes completely silent and Janson smiles smugly. Pleasantly surprised Ava runs the plan through her head. It could actually work. Except for one thing.
"But who would this new subject be Janson?" Again, he pauses, leaning back in his chair.
"Her." He points down the table at the young girl with the tight brown bun.
"Teresa." The young girl freezes, halfway  through drinking. In typical comedic style, she sprays water everywhere in surprise.
"Me?" Janson's smile turns from smug to slightly evil.
"Well, can you think of anyone else who fits the required criteria? Any other immune teenage girls entirely loyal to WICKED and informed of everything that's happening in the maze trials?" The girl shakes her head before lowering her gaze. A single tear runs down her cheek and drips on the table. Only Ava Paige notices however. A fleeting childhood memory returns, crying as her flare infected mother was dragged away. Feeling a small amount of pity for the girl she speaks.
"Of course, you'll be able to keep all your memories, you'll need them if your to be successful. I also have another plan, a plan for Group B. I'll arrange for you and Aris to meet with me tomorrow morning for briefing." A young boy, with sharp cheekbones and blonde hair looks up, startled.
" We are done now." With that final statement everyone begins to gather the paper and pens and leaves the room. Soon Ava is alone, a long white table and twenty chairs her only company. She turns and looks out the massive glass window at the city. Her city. If it weren't for WICKED there would be no safe place for those not yet sick to live. The human race would become extinct soon if Ava was unable to find a cure. And to find a cure, the maze trials must go according to plan. The fate of the world is at stake and Ava must do everything she can to save it. That's why she made WICKED. World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department. Dedicated to finding a cure for the deadly virus known as the flare. The flare took her mother and she mustn't allow it to take her or whats left of the worlds population.

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