Chapter 11

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We stand just inside the walls, graders swarming around us, awed and amazed. None has ever survived a night in the maze. But I have. And so did Newt. Until I came up in the box no one had killed a greiver. I killed two. Minho killed one. He  saved our bloody lives. Thomas comes up and wraps his strong arms around. I don't feel anything this time though. Only relief to be alive.  The crowd stays for a good ten minutes, asking questions or some just looking. All the while I keep my hand firmly in Newt's. in front of us the crowd parts for someone.

They walk towards us with a slight limp, unsure on their feet but holding their head high. Alby. He comes to me first, and shakes my hand tightly.
"Well done Brianah."
He moves to Newt, who throws his arms around Alby, a tear running down his cheek.
"Don't scare me like that mate. Ever again you here me? As second in command I order you not get stung by any more greivers. Newt sobs lightly into Alby's shoulder.
"Your one to talk. Running of into the maze when the doors are closing just be with your little girl friend." Newt blushes and laughs, stepping back from Alby.
"It's good to have you back Alby."  Alby smiles and stumbles away.

The crowd has disappeared, leaving only Gally, Thomas, Minho and Chuck.
Gally steps forwards.
"You did good Brianah." He says, rubbing his neck nervously.
I lean forward and plant a kiss on cheek. He grins, blushing, before sauntering off. I know now that we're good. What ever I did to anger him is forgiven. By surviving a night in the maze killing two bloody greivers I've earns his respect. Thomas has a comical surprises look on his face when I turn to him. I let out a laugh and soon everyone is laughing with me. Maybe the glade isn't all that bad. Maybe we could just stay here. Not leave the maze.

We sit down to a big lunch, after missing breakfast. I realise how starving I am and focus on stuffing my self while the others talk.
"After Newt ran into the maze and the doors slammed shut no one knew what to do. We got everyone fed and sent them off the bed early. Then we met up in the council room to figure out what to do. See, however much we wanted you to come back, we didn't really believe you would. We needed a leader though, and with Alby screaming his head off in the slammer we didn't have one. Chuck here, suggested we take another look at those vials that came up in the box. Grief serum. We didn't know what it would do but we figured we didn't have anything to lose so we injected Alby. At first he just went still and we thought we'd killed him. Then he went into a kind of sleep. Gally stayed with him all night, and Alby woke up bout two hours before the doors opened. It was when we were having breakfast that we heard this scream come from the maze. We were all confused as shuck so we went to check it out. Saw a bloody greiver sitting in the door way. Minho ran off, forgetting to explain, and came back with a massive knife. We looked at him like he was crazy, killing a greiver for the fun of it. But he just ran right into the maze. The greiver straight up ignored him. Started running away from him. Then Minho threw him self at the thing, sticking the knife into its head. We were all stunned. Then we heard someone say Shit Minho. I clicked and ran into the maze, leaving the others to figure it out for themselves. The rest you already know." And Thomas was right. The rest we did know.

After running through the maze for a good twenty four hours I headed of to sleep. Newt went to talk to Alby, promising to come join me soon. I fall asleep in Newt's hammock, the sweet, sweaty, earthy smell of him surrounding me.


She stands over me. Brown hair pulled into an extremely tight bun.
"Are you ready Brianah?" Ready for what?
She leans over me, placing a needle against my neck. She pushes the syringe in and I can feel a cool liquid race through my veins. This isn't the first time. A sudden memory appears in my head. This happens every week. The syringe, the cool liquid. Then the next part.

Screaming. It's mine but that's all I know. I don't know where I am. Why I'm screaming. Everything is black. A figure walks through the blackness. Thomas. He comes up to me, and wraps his warm strong arms around my waist.
"Shhh Bri. It's ok." Bri. Thomas doesn't call me Bri. Newt does.

Now I'm falling. Falling fast. I hit the ground with a thud. A tall, blonde boy walks over and offers me offers his hand.
"The names Newt greenie." Before I know it his lips are pressed to mine. Then he's pulled away, another pair of lips find their way to mine. Thomas. Why the bloody hell  am I kissing Thomas? I pull away, heart racing.

I'm in a circle, surrounded by boys on all sides. They walk forwards, the circle getting smaller and smaller. Soon their bodies are pressed against mine. One boy placed his hands around my throat. Another yanks at my hair. Some grab my feet and others punch me in the gut and kick me hard. One boy, tall, blonde, strong, draws a knife. He slides it along my jawline, its blade cool on my cheek. He pulls it away and I see his face. Newt. He brings the blade back down. Hard and fast, aiming for my heart.


I wake sweating, Newt has my hand in his, concerned eyes sweeping my face. We're lying in his hammock together, but he's leaning over me, trying to figure what the shuck is going on. I don't blame him. I want to know too.
"Are you ok Bri? What were you dreaming about? You were shouting No! Newt! Don't do it! What was I doing Bri!?" Newt's voice reaches a level of concern I hadn't seen in him before.
"I'll tell you I swear Newt. Just not now." I shudder, and a tear runs down my cheek. Newt wipes it away, and arms his arms around me. I feel safe when he holds me. I know somehow I won't have another nightmare with him holding me close. The maze doors grind shut and the sun disappears behind the walls. I fall asleep in Newt's arms, a smile creeping onto my face.

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