Chapter 2

486 26 3


since we reach our dorm I saw how tzuyu looks not good and her expression was not so fine

What is this girl problem again?

Aish, I need to talk to her..

I excuse myself from the person I talking right now and walk towards at tzuyu who having a deep thoughts and her eyebrows was connecting to each other like she is in bad mood..

"Hey tzu" I said and she look up and change her expression, I seat beside her and start asking her

"What's your problem? You can share it with me" I said while holding her hand..

"Unnie, I'm so sick to my relationship with him" tzuyu said while looking at me..

Oh yeah she already mention to us that she have a boyfriend but she didn't mention that who is it, but she only told us he is a idol

We feel nervous at first, yes

But now, we all know tzuyu was a strong woman and she can take all bash that she get..

"Ok, what you both fight again? Is it misunderstanding?" I said..

"It's like a simple thing unnie that he doesn't understand, I didn't know why he really can't get what I want and I want for the both of us, for our safety"

"For sure he just so tired and you need to give him some time to rest first tzuyu, for sure he is so mess right now by thinking his career and thinking by about your relationship with him, don't think that you feel sick because of it..just think positive and you will be ok, soon as possible, just do something that made me you not stress, ok?" I said while caressing her hand and I smile at her..

Then she smile and nodded .

"That's my, clean yourself and go upstairs to your room because tomorrow, we have another work need to do, ok?" I lastly said and kiss her forehead, it was my habit before going to my room..


I'm inside of my room right now and I decided to grab my laptop to scroll in my SNS

I have a private account to see once working hard for us and for some upcoming projects that was released in media and to see how once looks excited and happy that we are now coming back..

But someone dm me and I click my messages and look who is it..

It was BunJk

Bunjk? Who's that?

He just dm me an "hi"

Maybe this is just a random person and I just left it first and go at my bathroom to pee..

Then I get back to my bed to check my SNS again but I saw my messages it was  3 message..

Hayst, who is this person?

It's might be Josh? That crazy stalker of mine..

But if he was josh, then it will be josh1999

Hayst, just check it nayeon..


- hi
- are you girl or boy?
- how's your day?


- uhm hi, I'm a girl, who are you?

I widen my eyes when this person reply immediately..


- nice to meet you
- I can't tell who is me
- but I'm a boy

Gosh he was a guy, what if he was josh?! No no, don't think like that, if he was josh, he won't chat like this


- ahh


- you didn't answer my question


- what questions is that?


- how's your day? Is it good or not?


- Opportunately, it was good


- that's nice
- by the way, can I ask another question?


- sure


- Can we be friends?


- sure why not, it's will good if I have a friends like you ☺️


- are you flirting with me?

That made me chuckle by his reply, such a joker, what if I play with him..

Yeah that's will be good..


- what If I said, yes..are you going to say something too?😉

Let's begin the game on


- good to hear that you are good a flirting, may I know what is your age?


- im turning 26, you?


- aww, I'm turning 24 in September


- woah, we are same birth month, when is your birthday?


- why? You going to give some gift on me?


- why not? I will give a gift to you if you give your heart to me


- such a flirty woman
- I would be so glad to give my heart to you my lady😘

I can't help but to smile by his reply, for sure this guy was really nice

Like I want to meet him in person..

A/N: who do you think this bunjk? Hmm😏

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