Chapter 17

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it's been two months since we finish everything for the CB Collaboration between my group and to BTS...

It's also 2 months since jungkook starting to ignore me and avoid me, when our eyes met in the shooting he just show a little smile and join his members...

There's a lot of staffs and manager around us by doing the shooting of our CB MV that's why we only talking about the set and everything not about the personal life..

Because it's prohibited around the place..

We are start to pre-recording for some commercials and tv shows that we will interview in US, Japan and Korea

Because this CB will be huge and they already invite us with BTS for some performance and interview, well all of us was so nervous while doing the pre-recording for this interview but we still can manage it by our smile and being professional..

I hope army and once will like this and everything that we prepare...

I also saw some predictions that bangtwice is coming to dominate the world and they are really good at predicting that kind of project, they are so smart..

I excuse myself from them first to take the call, which is Minhyuk..

Minhyuk was my schoolmate and my bestfriend in high school days..

A/N: it's just imagination HAHAHA

then I start to answer the phone call..

"Oh hyuk, why?"

"Nayeon I have a good news to you"

"What good news is that?"

"Our batch will having a reunion next month and we are invited same as the idols who is our schoolmates before" hyuk said and it's made me smile widely because I can meet again my school friends..

"Oh my, I'm so excited for that, text me the date, time, where is the place and I will prepare myself for that day" I said while smiling widely..

"It's not day time nayeon, it's will be night time and for sure you will like it because I already met some of our squad before" hyuk said and it's made me pout because he didn't call me that he meet them..

"You are so mean hyuk, you didn't call me that I can meet them too, you know that I really miss them" i said while pouting..

"How I can call you if I heard that twice and BTS having a music video together in just one promotion and for sure you are busy that time and I can't disturb you" hyuk said, well he is right at that point..

"And yeah, you can meet them next month for our reunion and yeah, suga and namjoon will be there too, just tell it to them, if you are with them right now" hyuk said..

"Yeah they are with us right now and doing something important and I will tell it to them"

"Ok, ohh nayeon I need to go now, my manager calling us now, bye bye"

"Bye" i said and he hung up the call now and I just smile and walk towards at bangtan and I cough first and they turn their heads on me, but jungkook was not with them now..

"Namjoon oppa and suga oppa" I said.

"Oh nayeon, why?" Namjoon said..

"Hyuk just call me right now and he telling me that there's a reunion will happen next month that you, me, minhyuk, suga and some idols who is our batch mates are invited" I said.

"Oh that's good, just text me all details and we going with you there" suga oppa said and I smile and nodded and I excuse myself from them and join my members..


I just teasing noona for two months that I avoiding her and ignoring her, when she is not around us, I secretly looking at her if she is looking for me but I didn't caught that and she just busy with her members since this project happen, and yeah it's prohibited for us to have some communication with some of them Privately and talking about personal life..

I just go in restroom earlier because right know we're ore-recording something big..

But I hear someone that sounds familiar person and I just look who is it..

It's noona and I just stand at the side and just listen to what she saying..

Wait, minhyuk? From Btob?

Since her and him was so close to each other? But when she is with me, she looks nervous and feel un-comfortable, well I like her and there's a time that I kissing her before..

Ohh, it's their schoolmates..

I grinned my jaw when I saw how she pout while talking to him..

Can I broke that minhyuk neck right now?

Is that Minhyuk likes noona? And I won't allow him to like her, only me can like her and she only mine! Only mine!

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