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(Don't let the title fool you I don't write lemons)(also the song is what your singing)
Your PoV
I heard a scream. 'Dam it what are those idiots doing now' I thought angrily to my self, however my face betrayed my true emotions.
I quietly walked out of my study and downstairs to the foyer. 'Note to self get rid of extra doll masks' I though as I saw the decorations. Even though it was very dark I could still see perfectly. " what one earth is happening here' why is it so dark!?" I said feigning human like qualities.
Suddenly the lights flew on. The young blond that was previously in fetal position slowly stand up. I saw him walk to his butler
. "Hey we were just having fun weren't we kid?" Blake defended himself. A blade flew through the air hitting his arm. "Ow damnitt Rose that hurt!" "That wasn't Luna "(Chris's Nick name for you because you are as dark and mysterious as the moon ) "my own brother" Blake cried. I ignored the budding broken family crisis and walked over to the young man.
"Hey I'm sorry about that what did those idiots do anyway? By the way I'm (y/n) rivers owner of the rivers company. " "Alois trancy (I don't think he has a company does he?) and nothing that can't be fixed by a good punishment." I chuckled." I think Chris has that covered " I said nodding towards where Chris was sitting on Blake. "Get off you hippo you weigh a ton!" "I resent that accusation. "
He laughed. He has a beautiful laugh. " any way I do believe that a dance would make you feel better?" "Olè!" Was his response. "Jay,please start the music. " he bowed and walked over to the piano. As he started playing I started to sing to take his mind off of my messed up 'family'. I took his hands and we started to dance.
Third person PoV
The two young adults danced in rhythm with the young women's voice. Her voice was soothing and lullaby like it could put any one in a trance, however it didn't affect the young man. As she extended her arms so that they were holding hands and their arms straight across from each other. With a smile she twisted her arm making the young man twirl in a circle the way the young woman was previously doing. She released his hand and unbeknownst to him and every one else excluding the two butlers took his ring. She put her hand to her mouth laughing. While she laughed she put the ring under her tongue hiding it from others. The young man laughed and clapped his hands. " your a wonderful dancer my dear (y/n) " "your highness, where is your ring?" The stoic butler asked his younger master. "Huh?" He frantically looked over his hands. " you dip shit you stole my ring!" He blindly accused the brunette butler. "Hey don't you dare accuse jay!" The young lady spoke indigently. "Then where is it?!?" He demanded. The young women silently opened her mouth revealing the ring around her tongue. The young earl froze he seemed to be thinking. Then quickly and surely he strode over to the young lady and pressed his mouth against hers.
Your PoV
I froze my mouth slamming shut. I felt Alois frown and nip at my lip trying to get me to open it so he could regain his ring. But I couldn't, I couldn't risk another life. So I gather all of my self control and slightly opened my mouth only allowing enough room for him to regain his ring. He grinned against my lips and forced his tongue into my mouth regaining his ring and placing it into his own mouth I went to pull away and he gripped my arms holding me in place. My eyes widen. He laughed pulled away from my lips and whispered in my ear "want to play?" His voice husky very.... Seductive. He pressed his lips to mine again and bit my lip. Hard. Causing me to gasp. Although not in pain in surprise he would bite a women. He took this chance to slide his tongue into my mouth wrestling with my tongue. Him trying to gain dominance and me trying to remove his without hurting him.
. "Woooooooooo!!!!! Get some rose!" Blake yelled from under Chris. " just be sure not to get any annoying ankle bitters from him." Rose told me sincerely.
Oh right I forgot the nymph. The nymph was a seductress and we kind of adopted her into the family, she was like an older sister minus the fact she keep encouraging me to sleep with multiple men, well she is a nymph basically born to be sex toys, having to sleep with a man every month. I shuddered inwardly I could not do that.
I smirked and decided to mess with jay, his overprotectiveness would make this interesting. I slid my hands into the young earls hair pulling him close. He smirked and wrapped his hands around my waist. I let him claim my mouth as his own. He swept his tongue around my mouth making sure to Touch every inch. His hand trailed up my back as He started to unbutton my dress.

Suddenly, Jay had taken Alois to the other side of the room, leaving me alone. "Hey! I was doing something!" Alois complained. "I'll say" Blake joked earning a slap from Chris. "You've regained your ring now leave." Jay said sternly. " oh alright, good bye my dear love I hope to continue this game someday!" Alois cheerfully waved good bye. When he was gone I quickly hid behind rosinglanda (Ross-ing-land-a)(shes foreign) "Jacob I do not she the reason to be mad at her she was merely performing the basic hums act of reproduction." He scoffed in reply"she not human,I should know does roseileas death mean nothing to you?" I stiffened, suddenly I had him pressed against the wall a dagger to his throat. My eyes flashed dangerously "you mention that little girl once more you will feel the wrath of the queens assassin" I hissed at him. I turned on my heel and walked up to my room and flopped on my bed letting the silent darkness of sleep overtake me.
Flash back
The little girl stood horrified as the man raised his dagger "for crimes against your kind as the last remaining descendant of Delilah(dee-lie-la) rivers you shall die." "No!" The young blade screamed as she ran in front of the terrified young girl blocking her from the mans wrath, but at a cost. The 5 year old fell down the only explanation was the glint of a dagger wedged into her rib cage piercing her heart. "ROSEILIEA NO, DONT LEAVE ME!" The child cried out. "I assume that you need my services?" A deep voice asked from beside her. The young child turned quickly to see a young attractive male. "W-who are you?"
"I am a friend, who will obey every order until you die." " why" the young child asked."why would you stay with me no one else has ever stayed so why would you?" "I shall explain everything as soon as I remove the threat" and in a flash the young man was back."so, you asked me why I would stay?" The child nodded in response.
"Why that's quite simple really" he pulled the young child into his arms comforting her. "It's because I love you my dearest (y/n),"

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