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Blake's pov
I awoke to screaming. 'Not again' I rolled out of bed and stumbled down the hallway into (y/n)'s room. She was asleep her skin white and placid she was moaning in pain. I say sat down next to her and woke her up. "Hey you want me to stay with you tonight" she nodded

Your pov
I nodded. I don't know why but laying down with someone chases the nightmares away. Of course this sweet moment had to be ruined by Blake.

"Ya know I never thought I'd see the day you'd ask me to sleep with you"

I slapped him." You know that's not what I meant"

"I know I know just let me enjoy my fantasies sometimes will Ya? You're not exactly bad looking" I rolled my eyes.

He laid down beside me arms wrapped around me protectively
~~~~~~time skip brought to you by blakes naughtiness~~~~~~~~~

I woke up. 'Oh yeah today's the day I go on that date with Alois!'
"Crap" I yelled.

Blake stirred under me. It was then when I realised how intimate a position we were in. Somehow in the middle of the night my legs had wrapped around his and my head was laying on his chest. He had his arms wrapped around my waist in a possessive manner.

"BLAKE WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled escaping his grasp.

"Huh? Oh sorry I didn't realise that we had done it last night."

"WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING IN THE SLIGHTEST I HAVE A FIANCÉE" I yelled back I was mortified and to make matters worst jay had come running at the sound of my yells.

"What the devil is going on here, BLAKE! You are now on cleaning duty for two weeks with no contact to (y/n) in the entire time. Unless she is giving direct orders." He was fuming. I suppose it did look bad. I mean he was shirtless in loose fitting pants and I was in my nightgown. Not to say his chest was in the slightest unattractive...
I cleared my throat.

"Hey jay this is not what it looks like, but in any case I need to get ready." He nodded in response.

"Very well Blake leave while I dress (y/n)"


"Assburger?" I said laughing.

"It was the first thing I could think of" he shrugged
Jacob hit him in response, "I said two weeks without contact and I intend to keep it that way. "

He sighed and left.
Jacob pulled my night gown off of me,not even pretending not to look. It wasn't like he hadn't seen everything before.

"(Y/n) you have to be careful, there are people who would wish to take your purity Blake being one of them"

"Blake already took it last night" I said deadpan.

" I am extremely angry I will have to punish him accordingly"

I grabbed his arm looking with pleading eyes. "Jay I'm kidding I had a nightmare and he laid down with me in case I had another one."

He sighed in relief." Good because I believe I'd have to kill anyone who did take it."

"Oh hush up and dress me it's cold"

He gave me a purple dress that was lace in the chest area and had long black sleeves that covered my hands. The dress came down to my ankles. He fixed my hair in an up-do.

We got into the carriage while Blake drove us, Jacob was serious about the no contact rule Blake couldn't even look at me. Finally we arrived at the trancy manor. There was Alois himself at the front door waving his arms in joy.

"My dearest you've come I cannot wait to have some fun, shall we go shopping in the town?"

"Sure, oh who's that?" I said pointing to a beautiful young lady who was wearing a bandage.

"Oh her that's just my good for nothing maid."

"Oh my glob why does such a lovely women have to work for such an..... Well you get the idea don't cha readers?" Blake yelled running to the young lady.

Then he started serenading her. Me and alois were in the back ground laughing our butts off.
We then spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, laughing, and shopping. I started to fell myself fall for him. But that was all ruined when I got home and received the phone call.

I am a for hire assassin that works for the queen I have two identity under her, her personal entertainer the songbird and her assassin the siren. However I am also the assassin Luna love good. I regularly get calls because I work for this organization known only as the ccg. They have blackmailed me into doing what they want because they alone know my true identity as the siren. I nearly dropped the phone when I heard the name I had been assigned.

It was alois trancy.

Naturally I refused but the still had that identity above my head so after hours of arguing I finally gave in.

~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by the fourth wall that apologizes for being broken.~~~~~~~~~

I slipped in to the trancy manor unnoticed. Or so I thought. I snuck into alois's room and woke him up.

After explaining he only nodded. "I understand, you have to protect you secrets, just as I have to protect mine, and I do rather think I prefer to die by your hands than Claude's." He said.
I cried. I didn't want to.

"Just remember that I like you ok?" He told me softly hugging me. "I will never leave you I'll always be here" he lightly touched in between my Breasts to symbolize he'd always be in my heart.

I shakily pulled out a knife, a knife I had never used before and never would use again. I put it lightly against his chest. I sobbed out loud. "I-i-I can't," he only grabbed the end of the knife himself and gently pushed it breaking the skin.

"I don't want it to be suicide so can you continue?"

"Why why are you so calm?" I demanded

"I was dead the moment I was born, I knew that as soon as my brother died, I wished for real death as I lay in bed with that filthy man, I agreed to it when I contracted Claude, I know there is no place for me here on earth, and if I am to be murdered I wish for it to be by my loves hands. However there is a favour I have to ask"

I took the blade in my hands and shoved it as hard as I could into his heart. I leaned down and kissed his frozen lips one last time.

I sat crying looking at the sadistic man I had kissed, loved, the man I had given the key to my locked heart, the man I had killed.

"you know it isn't nice to take someone's meal"

I sat and smiled at him. "Then would you like for me to become that meal?"

He grinned "of course" he strode over and pressed his lips to mine, trying to steal my soul. I only grinned.

"What" he said pulling away.

"Don't you know, demons have no soul?" I said laughing as my eyes glowed pink. I lunged at him quickly disposing of him. It was easy as I never really liked him.

"That was a lie you know" jay spoke up.

"I thought you were at the house"
"I was but I know when you're in turmoil because of our little agreement. But in any case you aren't a demon, at least not fully, and you shouldn't go parading around like you are."

"You're not my dad"

He rolled his eyes in response.
Instead of ridding here like I usually do I ran here so I ran back. As soon as I came to the manor. I yelled out for Angelica.


In a flash she was there.

"Yes my lady?" She asked bowing.

"I have broken my heart and sealed it away, please remove all memory's of alois trancy from my mind."

I asked. I knew it was an insult to him, but this way I wouldn't ever have to live with the fact I had kill the man I loved. In fact just thinking about it was tearing me apart.

"Yes milady."

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