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(Y/n) ran on stage and smoothed out her dress. She cleared her throat and waved to the audience.

"Um. Hello there my name is (y/n) rivers. Better known as the Queens songbird. I'm quite sorry to interrupt such a lovely song but I do believe it is time for me to perform." And with that the music swelled.

It was a strange sound. It was circus music. What on earth was she doing? No one could possibly dance to such a noise. Then the monotonous beat set in like that instrument thing ciel had seen ticking to pace the beat in those operas he'd been forced to. He raised an eyebrow and stood still much like the people around him. Then she begun singing.

"Round and round like a horse on a carousel we go " she said twirling to the beat. Yet oddly there was something odd to her voice. Ciel couldn't describe it but it was sweet. Sickeningly so. It was as though Sebastian had cooked him tarts and used twice the sugar. Yet everyone seemed entertained thus far.

"Will I catch up to love I can never tell"she sung lifting a finger to her lips. Ciel saw a women next to him lift her hand to her mouth slightly. 'Perhaps she's just drunk'

" I know chasing after you is like a fairy tale" she slowly walked around the chair leaning on the back of it.

"But I feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel" she rose a hand and clenched it. Everyone froze. Even the ones talking. Ciel looked in wonder. She released her fist and everything resumed.

She swayed her hips to the music while everyone grabbed a partner and started to dance, save ciel and an elderly man and a young lady.

"Come, come one come all. You must be this tall to ride this ride at the carnival" she motioned for people to come closer, which they did, she then lifted her hand about an inch below her head. Which was ciels height. He felt a burning in his stomach. 'Maybe I should go out and dance could be fun.... What no me dance I'm going crazy!'

"Oh come take my hand and run through playland." She out reached her hand and ciel felt himself reaching towards it slightly but restrained himself. Instead a young man who had sunlight blond hair grabbed her hand and lead her down the stage onto the ball floor. He was just a bit taller than her perfect height for dancing.

"So high too high at the carnival" simultaneously all the men lifted to women up into the air.

"And its all fun and games 'till somebody falls in love." The men dipped their women ,again in unision, they traded off and (y/n) swayed through the crowd till she found ciel.

"But you already bought a ticket and there's no turning back now." She grinned at ciel and he felt a siver run down his spine. She grabbed his hand and started to dance. It was a weird sensation. It was as though his body was moving by itself.

"Round and round like a horse on a carousel we go" she sung as he felt him self twirl her under his arm.

"Will I catch up to love I could never tell, I know chasing after you is like a fairy tale but I feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel." Again she clenched her fist but this time ciel could feel his body clamp shut shutting down.

"This horse is too slow we're always this close. Almost. Almost." She leaned into ciel. And he could feel her breasts press against him. Their noses touched and...

"We're a freak show" she pulled back and spun him in a circle. Everyone had gone back to dancing.

"Right right when I'm near its like you disappear where'd you go? Is that Houdini or a freak show" Everyone turned to look at ciel for this verse and afterwards looked away.

"And its all fun and games till somebody falls in love but you already bought a ticket so theres no turning back now. Round and round like a horse on a carousel we go " she twirled her finger in the air and everyone twirled with it.

"Will I catch up to love I can never tell I know chasing after you is like a fairy tale' she climbed the stairs on to the stage.

" but I feel like I'm glued on tight to the carousel" she sat in the chair and crossed her legs

"Why did you steal my cotton candy heart you threw it in this damned coin slot." Ciel was shocked at the usage of such languge from a lady.

"And now I'm stuck, I'm stuck. Riding. Riding. Riding. Round and round like a horse on a carousel we go. Will I ever catch up to love I know chasing after you is like a fairy tell but I feel like I'm glued on tight to the carousel " Her hair looked darker than it normally was not much just a shade but enough for Sebastian to notice.

And with that the song ended. She stood up and walked over to the queen whispering in her ear. Sent nodded and waved her hand towards the door at the end of the hall.

And with that lady rivers left.

(I know this chapter is long with just a song but even if you don't read those please read this because it has plot related stuff. Also not much story I know I know schools just burnt me out yeah? Anyway the song if you wanna hear it is carousel by Melanie Martinez live ya bye)

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