ErrorInk fluff

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Ink had lost Broomie. He didn't remember how, he only knew he had lost it. He sat in the anti-void and whimpered silently. His phobia started taking over his mind. Both of them, actually.

How did I get here?

Did people forget about me?

Where did I leave Broomie?

Does Dream know where I am?

What about Blue?

Similar questions kept racing through the skeleton's skull. He hugged his knees close to his chest and slowly rocked forward and back.

He felt the anti-void expanding endlessly, leaving him feeling smaller than ever. Completely small and useless.

Somewhere in Outertale, Error layed down on the ground, looking out at the immense amount of stars.

It always calmed the glitch down from whatever was bothering him.

He closed his eyes and relaxed. At least until something hit his head. He opened his eyes and looked around, quickly finding Ink's paintbrush. He grabbed the paintbrush and quickly examined it, then looked around, expecting to see Ink nearby. But the colorful skeleton never appeared.

Error felt himself feel worries for the smaller one. He stood up and opened a portal. First to Underfell, then Underswap, then to Storyshift, then to Dreammtale. Error looked for Ink throughout many different alternate universes, but to no avail. Error ultimately decided to look in the anti-void.

Once in the anti-void, Error called out for Ink.

Ink was too caught up in his own terrifying thoughts to hear Error's attempts to find him. On top of Error being real far away from him.

Error stayed quiet momentarily, waiting for some type of responce. He looked around the anti-void, but his glitches made it hard for him to see. He rolled his eyes and pulled out his worn-out glasses. He placed them on his skull with small pieces of tape and looked around once again.

He managed to find a small bit of smudged brown, which he immediately assumed was Ink. He rushed over to the brown figure. As he got closer and closer, it started to make itself out to be the skeleton he was searching for. He smiled in relief as he approached the smalled skeleton.

Error kneeled down next to Ink. Despite his still severe haphephobia, he placed a hand on Ink's shoulder.

Ink snapped out of his traumatizing state and looked up at Error. He yelped loudly as he pushed himself onto Error and gave him a hug. "OH STARS I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE- AND YOU BROUGHT BROOMIE?!- OH STARS I LOVE YOU" Ink cried out as he hugged Error even harder.

Error glitched slightly more than normal due to the sudden contact. He tried sucking it up and gave Ink a hug back - much softer, of course. His head kept repeating Ink's "I love you".

Ink let go not long after and stood up. Error did the same. Ink looked up at Error, " think I can stay a while with ya'? Y'know...just, watching Undernovela, eating some chocolate?..."

Error was caught by surprise. Was this Ink's way of thanking him? Did he really want to stay in the anti-void any longer despite his fear? Did Ink really mean it?

Ink noticed Error seemed to have zoned out, or maybe have gotten lost in thought? He didn't know, so he cleared his throat.

Error snapped back to reality.

"So? Can I?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure, I guess you ca-"

Ink jumped up and down excitedly and he yanked Error by his sleeve and pulled him towards the couch Error kept around. "SO WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S GO!"

Error wasn't allowed a responce as he was forced onto his own couch. He looked over at Ink. His eyes were a big red heart and a bright yellow star. Both were sparking with pure joy. Error couldn't help but fall for Ink even more. He chuckled softly as he opened a portal to Undernovela.

Ink let out an excited squeak as he snuggled up against Error. Error put an arm around Ink. With his free arm, he opened up a portal to some grocery store aisle and stole some chocolate and premade popcorn. He closed the port right after and gave the popcorn to Ink. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Ruru!" Ink grabbed the popcorn and opened it up. He grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth.

Error was taken aback by the sudden nickname he was given. He shook his head lightly as he replied, "You're welcome, Kiki."

The two now truly got comfortable and watched Undernovela and snacked for a few hours.

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