Alphyne fluff

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"Yo, Alphys! Where are you?!" The head of the royal guard called out as she entered the royal scientist's lab.

Today was supposed to be both their days off. They agreed to hang out and watch anime.

Alphys heard Undyne's call. She jumped slightly and rushed to the entrance of her lab, which was more of a home to her.

At the entrance, there she was.

Undyne had her casual wear on. Her black spaghetti strap shirt, pants, and her boots. She was full of sweat due to not being used to the hot temperatures but was relieved the temperature in the lab was cooler.

Alphys had some type of pink pajamas and rabbit slippers.

Undyne found that adorable. "Hey Al!" She happily called out as she saw the smaller monster.

Alphys smiled geekily and replied, "H-hey Undyne! How a-are you?"

"Pretty good! Glad it's cooler in here though, it's hot as hell out there!" Undyne complained as she took off her shoes.

Alphys chuckled softly as she said, "Y-yeah. It's what's expected out of h-hotland."

Undyne snickered as she walked up to Alphys and picked her up.

Alphys let out a small squeak as she silently but visibly panicked.

"Hah! You look adorable!" Undyne laughed. "Calm down Alph, I ain't gonna drop you or anything!"

Alphys nodded hesitantly. "I k-know! I- it's just...I-I'm not used to b-being caried..." she muttered.

Undyne simply gave Alphys a wide grin and cheerfully said, "Well, don't worry! You're in great care!"

Undyne walked up the stairs with Alphys in her arms. When she came to the small make-shift bedroom Alphys had set up, Undyne gently set Alphys down.

Alphys sighed, relieved that she was on the ground once again. "S-so, a-anime do you want to watch?" She asked as she looked through a small box. 

Undyne assumed it was full of different animes that Alphys had collected from the dump over the years.

"W-well, I have Dragon seekers z, Soul consumer, Sailor star, One thing, Jojo's crazy adventure, and many others, take a look i-if you want to!" Alphys shifted over to the side, letting Undyne take a look into the box.

Undyne flipped through the disks, some of them looked less damaged than the others. She assumed that Alphys had already tested to see if all the disks still worked. She ended up choosing the Jojo disk. "Hey, this one looks pretty badass!" Undyne held the disk up for a second before handing it over to Alphys so she could put it in the player.

After Alphys had put the disk in, she went over to the beanbags she had set up in front of the tv and laid down on one. Undyne joined Alphys in the beanbags.

There were a variety of snacks all laid out in between the two beanbags. Popcorn, different candies, nachos, chips, dips, fruits, and other snacks of the sorts.

Halfway into the first episode, Undyne let out a scream.

This caused Alphys to yelp. She looked over at Undyne, "I-is everything a-alright, U-undyne?"

"JUST GET OVER HERE AND GIVE ME CUDDLES!" Undyne sounded more aggressive than she intended to be. It's just what happens when you're aggressive on a daily basis.

Alphys felt her face heat up, and it wasn't because of the room temperature. "A-are you sure?- I m-mean, I might be t-too heavy a-and it m-might be awkward and-"

"JUST GET OVER HERE. I WANT CUDDLES FROM YOU," Undyne repeated herself.

Alphys got nervous, but she was excited. This was one of the many things she had hoped to be able to do with Undyne for a while, and it was happening. Alphys happily obliged and stood. up. She took a few steps, being careful to not step on any of the snacks.

Undyne scooted over on the beanbag, making room for Alphys. She extended her arms out to Alphys.

Alphys smiled sheepishly as she gently laid down next to Undyne.

Undyne wrapped her arms tightly around Alphys, not wanting to let go of the scientist.

Alphys chuckled lightly, "S-so, h-how are you liking the a-anime?" she asked.

"It's great! Everyone is so damn cool! Imagine if I had all those cool breathing powers! I'd be way more skilled than any of them are!" Undyne laughed as if she was the funniest monster to ever exist.

Alphys laughed along.

The laughter died down not too long after it started. The two cuddled up against each other as they watched the entirety of Jojo on Monsterflix.

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