Unbreakable vow

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Draco sighed while Hermione was pushing his head back with his hair around her fist. "Fine," He sighed carelessly. Hermione pulled her wand back and cuddled that part of his hair that she was pushing back, softly. She forgot about the fact that she was touching him all this time. It didn't care anymore.

"Done," Hermione said, brushing his hair with her fingers. He stood up and lied on his bed, in the corner of the room. "His parent thought him how to respect?" She thought. "Your welcome Malfoy." She catcalled to him. He stayed silent. She lied down on the other bed and looked at the proud Slytherin boy, which had sleep issues.

After ten minutes, none of them could sleep. "Fuck this life of mine," Draco said. Hermione looked at him.

"You can't sleep too?"

"No, I can't."

"Did they come?"

"It's twelve, Malfoy."

"Fuck it! I'm bored."

Hermione threw 'Romeo and Juliet' book and it bumped his stomach. He almost jumped and yelled, "You are so wild, Granger!"

"Read it Malfoy!" Hermione smirked and ordered. Draco held the book and studied it with his eyes "I don't like it!" Draco mumbled. "You haven't read it yet!" Hermione said, keeping her smirk on her face.

Draco opened the book and started reading. Things were normal and they were silent, reading their books before the bell rang. They looked at each other and jumped up. Hermione locked the door and cast a protection and silencing spell on the whole room. There was a silent moment before Draco braking it "Granger?"

Hermione turned back to him and said "Yes?"

"What do we do?"

"Nothing, I suggest."


Three hours later,

Snape and Nott's conversation was over. Draco was asleep in the black hoodie, which was suggested by Hermione. Hermione pulled the blanket from his waist to his neck, because the room was very cold. She continued looking at the blondie, sleeping cute on his bed. He looked innocent, but Hermione couldn't believe it. It was around two hours since when he slept. Hermione took a deep look at his neck. A red scar on his neck caught her eyes. She decided to ask him later about it and noted it in her mind.

Draco woke up with a start. Hermione stared at him while he got up, sweating from sudden horror. He had a nightmare. "Are you okay?" Hermione asked. He looked at her, shocked. "Was it a nightmare? It wasn't real?"

"Yes, It was a nightmare." She answered. he made a sigh of relief, and she walked to him. "You are sweating! Take the hoodie off." He pulled the hoodie and threw it on the bed. He still had his shirt under it. "Is Nott still here?"

"No," She answered. "Good! Now we can make the unbreakable vow." He said. Hermione nodded and opened the door. Snape sat on the couch, resting his hand on his forehead, exhausted from his conversation. "Sir, can you help us make a vow?" Hermione said, cautiously. Snape looked at those two teenagers, broken and sad, standing on the main haul's doorframe.

"Come here, guys." He said in a tired tone. They stood in front of him, holding each other's hand to make the vow. Snape raised his wand and cast the spell. A red light came from the wand and made a chain around their hands. "You both should take care of each other, and with making this vow, you give access to each other about your thoughts and decisions," Snape whispered. When the chain vanished, Hermione said "Access to thoughts and decisions? You didn't tell us about it to us!"

"Well, now you know!" Snape said. Draco stared at the ground, reminding himself that no one cares about him anymore, Except for his mother. Hermione ran up to her room and shut the door angrily. "No one cares, Draco?" Snape asked, after reading his mind "Draco, Miss Granger pulled the blanket on you when you were asleep because you were freezing. She cared!"

"Why would she care? Why did she care?" He thought. "She cares because of you and that stupid vow you made with my mother_

"The stupid vow which saved you?"

Draco swallowed his words and after some minutes said "Anyways..." And headed upstairs to make himself busy with the book that Hermione gave him. He knocked on the door and entered. Hermione sat on the bed, angrily. Draco didn't tease her this time. He sat on his bed and opened the book.

'Chapter eight'

Hermione wasn't angry with him but still enjoyed it if she could yell at him. "I really don't wanna be mean but he is really on my nerves! What is wrong with me?" She thought.

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