People are BLIND

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Hiya People!
Funny Title, you see, this one's Lot of Fun, Probably the next, or next to next chapter is Drama, JUST DRAMA, the next ones a bit emotional, then it's happy, then sad... Oh god... That's a lot of work... I have a question too... Mind if you guys answer? 

It is... we all know how the new Miracle box looks like, right? So in the previous one, the Ying and the yang were in the middle. Where'll they be in this Complicated football? Any Ideas?

ALSO, I am Very very VERY Sorry, took a lot in pawblishing this one... Homework, you know? It's killing me. Litterally. Goodness, One thing I have to say before continuing.... It's...
WARNING: If you die laughing due to the author or Clare Or Chat's puns or jokes, don't blame it to the author. Puns are sometimes annoying and are very hazardous to the muscles which move our mouth. Thank You...

Funny, wasn't it...?

Let's start the Chapter Anyways. Remember... this is the longest I've ver made till now


~~Next Morning~~

Clare Woke up with a start, she slept at about 1:30 am, now, it was 6, funny how her sleep was rarely more than 5 hours, funny how Marinette realized she was in love with Chat, funny how she learned Cat very quickly, funny how she had tiny eye bags everyday, funny that they were even darker today, everything was funny about her life! (Funny how I've been doing homework the whole day, funny how I wrote the whole previous chapter in my tiny 10 minute breaks and my lunch break, funny how i feel sleepy as hell while writing this)
Or maybe not...
Anyways, she was thinking, No way could that have been true, of course! Mari can't realize she's in love with Chat! I mean, she's never clear with her feelings! God! I need to wake Mari up! she'll be late again!

She rushed out her bad with messed up hair, her hair in a loose ponytail, her rubber band was almost halfway through and when she got up, it shifted to almost the bottom, her eyes widened and she looked back to see 2 sleeping cats, phew.
She immediately went to the bathroom to look at her hair, Of course, it happened, the mysterious thing about her hair. The reason why she never let anyone comb them and she made sure she was alone while combing her hair or opening her ponytail...

She combed her hair quickly and tied them back. She looked at the pony, it will take two minutes for the blonde hair to disappear. She wondered why, whenever something held them tightly, even for a micro second, that part of her hair turns blonde for two exact minutes. She hid it, even from Blackhole. 2 minutes passed and her hair turned Purple Again, what a relief. She came out after brushing her teeth and went right through the secret door, only to see a sleeping Marinette.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Wake up! You're gonna get late for school!"

Marinette replied sleepily, "First, my school starts at 8, second, I'll sleep till 9 and..."
"You're gonna wake up at9?!! After the first period?! Are you... Get up!!"
"Lemme finish Curious Kitty, and Third, TODAY's SUNDAY"

"Whoops, my bad. Keep sleeping! Sweet dream! I'm gonna go over to Sarah's! She's my friend, i met her at the airport and I found her back at your school so yeah, her Mom's a vet. I'll get the teensy tinsy Munchkin get all vaccinations and stuff, Night Buginette! (I know Buginette is replacement of Bugaboo in French Dub, Consider it a nickname by Clare, okay?)

Marinette scoffed slightly, "Yes of course, I will get sweet dreams and a deep sleep after getting woken up" she said sarcastically. "And there i thought I was the only one who could be sarcastic" Clare said, giggling, she heard small mews, "Good morning mommy" she turned to see the munchkin awake.

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