Chapter 14: Why Clare..?

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Well hello there...
How many of you cried in Purrt 3? I posted some announcements in between and u might've furgotten what happened so I'll give you a summary.
Nevermind, yes, I changed the name of the chapter.

No Clare here, just memories...
Cause... *deep breath*

Let's just start. This is short, cause I don't like 'overdrama'.


Chapter 13: Something strange happened to Clare. Marinette, being worried, took out all her tension on Chat and pushed him away. Later, when she got to know Clare was now fine, she took out her anger on her. Their relationship broke. Bridgette had returned to London and Clare had no 'human' support. Marinette called her a good for nothing step and that hurt Clare really deep. Later, they fought SentiBubbler, to be more precise, Rena and Pegabug. 
Chat felt left out and cut out his connection with Reynard, thinking that her intention is to replace him.
Alya was mad at Marinette and Clare was cross with everyone. Her health kept getting worse, a lot of blood loss at night after patrol when she was staring at the eiffel tower while sitting on a roof. 
"Tomorrow" was what that strange voice said. Monsieur Rat got akumatized the next day, i.e. Xavier Ramier's brother who obsesses over Rats and mice rather than pigeons. 
The trio kept fighting, Rena was a mouse now. Before Ladybug could get vesperia, they started a quarrel again and by the time she reached her away from Shadowmoth's sight, Zoe became a mouse too.
The three were distracted, Reynard's head got heavy and she was at the very corner of the third floor of the Majestic tower. The three realized, her problem with the Eiffel tower.
Before they could do anything, Reynard fell. She sung the Miraculous Theme Song's Chorus and fell into the Seine. Ladybug managed to grab the peacock miraculous from Shadowmoth, but they lost something more precious, their sister.

...Continues from here...

Monsieur Rat, now in his civilian form Francis Ramier, sat there. Chat quickly dragged him inside the elevator and pressed the button for down. 

The Magic Ladybugs travelled all over the city, and then reached the not-so-majestic-anymore Seine, that purple patch, probably Clare's blood mixed with the bluish water... or maybe not.

They twirled round and round and Ladybug still sat there, looking down, with hope to see the sweet little fox-kitten again. 
But soon, the magic Ladybugs vanished, the water was blue again but... Clare was gone.

Chat was holding back the tears, two reasons.
He couldn't see his princess crying and the second one being, he was the big brother, now bro-in-law, and he himself didn't take care of his little sister, now 'late' sis-in-law. He even blamed her for something that was not even her fault. The guilt was killing him, but he had to hold back, he just felt like it.

He hugged Ladybug tight as she continued crying. Her earring beeped. 2 spots left.

He quickly picked her up and took her over to Marinette's balcony. They both got in and the last spot beeped. Tikki flew out of the earrings and in Marinette's palms.

'I wish I could tell her' she thought as she looked at Marinette, her eyes reflecting clear misery. Marinette took out a cookie and Tikki slowly started nibbling it. Marinette sat on her bed, hugging her knees. "I don't even deserve my miraculous" she sobbed.

"It's nothing like that Marinette... i-it wasn't your fault" Tikki said, sitting on top of her head, trying to comfort her.

Chat hugged her. His ring beeped, last pawmark. It didnt matter, a one-side reveal wasn't fair, so he decided to stay. 
That's when the trapdoor opened, and Chat's last pawmark beeped.

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