Chapter 12: What is happening to meee?! (Part 2)

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Hey Guys!!
Here's Part 2!
I won't talk mewch, but still I have one question! (Okay fine I'm kinda talkative...)
Remewmber Queen Banana? Gabby didn't end the call befur transfurming... The identity should've been revealed.. I don't get it... This is confusing... People cant be THAT blind that they don't hear or see someone do something on a vc...? Confusion..

Anyways, Lets start!


"but She's comatose."

Marinette fainted and fell at once. Bridgette got her. Sabine felt dizzy.

"H-how much time w-w-will i-it t-take? T-to fix a-and b-bring h-her back?" Bridgette asked.
"This is an unusual kind of coma, we don't know. Only God can help her now.."
...After some time...
"It's okay Princess, I know it hurts..."
"you don't know anything Chat... She's comatose..."
"I've lost my mom too, I know it hurts a lot.."
Marinette gasped and looked at him, talking about his mom had made his mood way more down... "I'm so sorry kitty" she said side hugging him.
While Marinette and Chat Noir were comforting each other, Bridgette sat beside the comatose Clare...
"I'm so sorry Clare, I didn't get to apologize... I'm so sorry, I misunderstood you, and I can't even know if you can forgive me or not.. I'm sorry..."
A tear fell off of her eyes. She had done a great mistake and now she can't even apologize...
Suddenly she heard gasps, from Clare.
"MARINETE!" She yelled.
Marinette came down at once, "Wha- Clare!" She rushed to her side, "Clare are you okay?!"
' You have to come... Come to me Clare... Come to me... The universe will be happy then, come to me... ' A voice echoed throughout her mind ... She groaned and rolled off of the bed, pressing her head, "Stop! Please stop! Leave me alone! It hurts! Leave me alone! please!" She yelled.
"Clare what's wrong?!" Marinette asked in a comforting tone, Chat came down at hearing the yells. "Clare! What's wrong?!!" He asked too.
Their voices sounded like faint echoes. "W-who are you?! What have I done to you?! Why are you after me?!!!" She yelled, still gasping.
'You are hurting yourself Clare, it's not the time to know who I am...'
"TELL ME!" She yelled, the small bandage on her head slowly came out and blood started flowing again. "CLARE!" Marinette, Bridgette and Chat Noir yelled. Bridgette quickly bought the first aid box and Marinette quickly approached her. As soon as she touched her, flashes covered her head and she pulled away. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU MARINETTE SHE'S BLEEDING!" Bridgette yelled. " I- I don't know. There are, Flashes of something..."
Bridgette looked puzzled she touched Clare, nothing happened. " There's nothing wrong!" She quickly bandaged Clare's forehead again.
Her gasping slowed, she felt dizzy again and she fell to the ground. "Oh Clare..." Marinette said, as she caught her. No more flashes now...
She hugged her, " Please wake up Clare..."
The 4 cats watched with horror, but one of them was rarely scared, and it was a certain maine coon...
Chat checked Clare's pulse, "She's alive, and maybe not even comatose anymore, wow that's the shortest coma I've ever seen, and also the first one. She's gonna become a world record holder and then..."
"Shut up Chat Noir, this is serious" the two twins glared at him.
"Okay, I'll stop now" he shrugged and said, "we have to get her to the hospital. I don't know why but it seems like Reynard's sickness transferred to her... "
Marinette and Bridgette shivered, scared he would find out her identity.
"But she can't possibly be Reynard, they're both Best friends! And purrhaps I remember her becoming a banana..."
Marinette was confused, she thought, 'when did she become a banana...?'
After a few minutes, they were at the hospital. "She has just fainted. This was a rare and short coma, we've never seen one like that"

They heard a small groan. Clare had woken up.
"Clare!" Marinette said, as she ran towards her and sat beside the bed. She shot up like a lightning bolt."How long have I been gone?!"
"Relax, you're hurt. You literally gave me a heart attack Clare. What happened?!"
"I-I don't know.. i-it j-just hurt.. a-and a voice.. and then I asked who it is.. f-flashes of... Of.. I-I d-dont remember! What's wrong with me..?"
"It's okay Clare, we'll figure this out.." Marinette said, hugging her.
Clare hugged her back, still deep in thought. It was as if someone used 'obliviate' on her..
'Was it Hermione? Or did Ron do that? Or Snape? Well Snape is no more, so it's not him. Fred and George? Well no. Voldemort? Pfft, he's NOSEsense, welps correction, nonsense. Probably Draco, cause he is the male Chloè after all... Nah, even he won't do that... Cho..? Or mewbe.."

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